Can you fill a 4x4 square so each row and each column forms a prime number? And a 5x5 square?
Note: in both cases, there should be no duplicate rows or duplicate columns. Also, numbers cannot start with a 0. Finally, all digits from 0 to 9 should be used at least once.
(In reply to
re: Sorry, FK, I have no time, but ... by Sing4TheDay)
Sing4TheDay, I only post this 10 x 10 array as a curiosity, without thinking in the restrictions of the problem posted by FK. When I said "I found", I forgot to say...."in a site". And in that site thereīs a 33 x33 array (itīs some kind of madness !!!), and these two arrays were produced by computer program.
Posted by pcbouhid
on 2005-07-19 16:46:56 |