this obviously looks like a letter problem, because of words that are letters.
it has I's(eyes) and a c(see)
it has a t(tea)
"it" is in it, but there is an E
it doesnt have R's (ours), it only has one.
if u look at it backwords u see "right on q"
i have a u(you)
thats everything
end of riddle
now u have to put together what u have. lets say that one I is in it and there is only one other one
also note that the title has a side note in it, which should be before the riddle. usually the title is a hint
now "critic" comes to mind
c,r,it,i, what else?
back to the "Backwards, I see right on cue," maybe that could mean that the q is in the end. there is a e and a qu(there has to be a u because this is in english) so its probably que, critique maybe? thats what a critic does.