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Yum, arsenic! (Posted on 2002-05-29) Difficulty: 3 of 5
In a far away land, it was known that if you drank poison, the only way to save yourself is to drink a stronger poison, which neutralizes the weaker poison.

The king that ruled the land wanted to make sure that he possessed the strongest poison in the kingdom, in order to ensure his survival, in any situation. So the king called the kingdom's pharmacist and the kingdom's treasurer, he gave each a week to make the strongest poison. Then, each would drink the other one's poison, then his own, and the one that will survive, will be the one that had the stronger potion.

The pharmacist went straight to work, but the treasurer knew he had no chance, for the pharmacist was much more experienced in this field, so instead, he made up a plan to survive and make sure the pharmacist dies. On the last day the pharmacist suddenly realized that the treasurer would know he had no chance, so he must have a plan. After a little thought, the pharmacist realized what the treasurer's plan must be, and he concocted a counter plan, to make sure he survives and the treasurer dies.

When the time came, they king summoned both of them. They drank the potions as planned, and the treasurer died, the pharmacist survived, and the king didn't get what he wanted.

What exactly happened?

See The Solution Submitted by Half-Mad    
Rating: 4.3750 (32 votes)

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Solution a 10% Solution of Cyanide | Comment 1 of 10
The Pharmcist realized that the treasurer planned to switch poisons, so he produced a very weak one. The treasurer switched poisons, he died, and the king got the treasurer's poison to keep in his medicine cabinet.
  Posted by TomM on 2002-05-30 11:19:36
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