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Calm down, people! (Posted on 2005-10-25) Difficulty: 2 of 5
Mr. and Mrs. Astor, Mr. and Mrs. Blake, Mr. and Mrs. Crane, and Mr. and Mrs. Davis were seated around a table as shown:
                      | 1 |
                +---+ +---+ +---+
                | 8 |       | 2 |
                +---+       +---+
            +---+               +---+
            | 7 |       o       | 3 |
            +---+               +---+
                +---+       +---+
                | 6 |       | 4 |
                +---+ +---+ +---+   
                      | 5 |
1) Mrs. Astor was insulted by Mr. Blake who sat next to her on her left.

2) Mr. Blake was insulted by Mrs. Crane who sat opposite him across the center of the table.

3) Mrs. Crane was insulted by the hostess who was the only person who sat between a married couple.

4) The hostess was insulted by the only person who sat between two men.

Who insulted the hostess?

See The Solution Submitted by pcbouhid    
Rating: 3.3333 (9 votes)

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Hand Solution | Comment 15 of 45 |

First, the restriction that exactly one set of men are two seats apart helps it. We need to find 4 numbers that add up to 8, but one number must be 2. This means three men must have sat in a row with a man across from the middle man.

Mrs. Astor (a woman) sat to the right of Mr. Blake a man) so Mr. Blake couldn't have sat in seats 2 or 3 or in seat 6 because it couldn't be across from Mrs. Crane, so he must have sat in seat 1, with Mrs. Crane in seat 5 and Mrs. Astor in seat 8.

So far we have this following diagram (tilted to the left a little)

Mr. Blake Mr. ????? Mr. ?????
Mrs. Astor ====== Mrs. ?????
Mrs. ????? Mr. ????? Mrs. Crane

The hostess must be a woman, so the married couple have a woman in between. The person who insulted the hostess sat in spot 2, and he can't be Mr. Blake (since he's already seated), Mr. Astor (because then the hostess would be a man), or Mr. Davis because then there couldn't be exactly one hostess. This means Mr. Crane insulted Mrs. Davis, the hostess.

Mr. Blake Mr. Crane Mr. Davis 
Mrs. Astor ====== Mrs. Blake
Mrs. Davis Mr. Astor Mrs. Crane

  Posted by Gamer on 2005-10-26 19:44:18
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