This chess board is on a Mobius strip. The length is infinite (and wraps) but the width is only four squares. There are no pieces on the hidden sides, which also mean the board is not transparent. Some of the pieces are hard to read: the White Queen is on top, the White King is on the left, and the Black King and Queen are on the right. The Black Pawn walks downwards and pawns can't queen.
White to move and win.
White Queen moves to C(Infinity) and checkmates.
The White Queen should move towards the right and continue till it
lands on the Black Knight diagnol from the Black King. The Black
King can't move to any open spaces. He can't eat the Knight or
the Qeen because they guard each other. The Black Bishop can't
eat the Queen because it's pinned by the White Rook on the left side.
This would be a cool board to play on. It could probably be made
using velcro pieces or on a metal board with magnetic pieces.