"Wait, a minute, Data. There are no labels on this circuit board and the components are a bit dusty already. I left the blueprint of the Enterprise in the plasma chamber while we did the last maintenance and by the time we get replacement from Utopia Planitia my great grandson will already be chief engineer."
"Then we must find another way. The Rasto-circuit-board is the only one where you can use the Jefferson-circuit, the Letura-ring and the crossmetaxe."
"The Jefferson-circuit? Right!! What was it: You construct a circuit from the anti-matter unit through the force device, the gozal calibrator, the lateral sensor phalanx, the korn spool, the energy transmitter and the Z-converter back to the anti-matter unit"
"Correct! The Letura-ring is easy: Its a circuit from the anti-matter unit, over the gozal calibrator, the korn spool, the energy transmitter, the brachion chamber, the dorsal flaps and back to the anti-matter unit. Keep in mind, though, always to check polarities, in particular at the ..."
"Easy, Data, we only want to identify the circuits. How was this crossmetaxe thing ... from the anti-matter unit through the Z-converter, the brachion chamber, the helireflex, the induction phase reversals, ..."
"... the dorsal flaps and the matter emitter back to the anti-matter unit. Now one quick look at the wiring diagram ..."
#--#--# # | /|\ | /| |/ | \|/ | #--#--# | |\ |\ |\ | | \| \| \| #--#--#--# | / |/ #"... and Rikers electric shaver will be working any minute! Make it so!"
Identify the components ("#") on the wiring diagram!