Thousands of us all around you.
We protect you all the time,
Yet you treat us badly...
You burn us in public buildings
to make you seem better;
You try to make us straight,
but most of us refuse usually;
When we are dead, you are pleased.
Yet, when we are gone, you are sad.
What are we?
Thousands of us all around you.~you wouldn't beleive how much hair there is in the world.
We protect you all the time,
Yet you treat us badly...~They protect us from the sun and cold, and the whole idea of haircuts is enough to make a hair strand faint :)...
You burn us in public buildings
to make you seem better;~ My first thought is that guy I saw in Ripley's that gives a haircut by burning it...
You try to make us straight,
but most of us refuse usually; ~curly hair stays straight for a very short period of time...
When we are dead, you are pleased.
Yet, when we are gone, you are sad.~ First part ?. Next part is mainly refering to women and balding men (not applying to men with shaved heads)