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Boiling Impossibilities (Posted on 2005-12-06) Difficulty: 5 of 5
You have a glass jar. You pour in water with a pitcher until it is half filled. You then seal the jar with an air-tight lid. (The only other thing in the jar is regular air). Assuming that the water in the jar is not already boiling after attaching the air-tight lid, how do you make the water boil?

boiling: the state in which liquid water is rapidly changing to water vapor (ie, the water is accually bubbling, not just steaming)

For clarification, the water is plain distilled H20. It is not heavy water, water with impurities, etc...

  • You cannot transfer or use anything that transfers light, heat, magnetic, electric, or chemical energy into the jar. (and no, shaking the jar till the water friction causes the water to boil does not work)
  • You cannot open or break the glass jar.
  • The area in the jar cannot increase or decrease. (You can try but the jar will not shrink, grow, or deform in any way)
  • You cannot insert anything into the water.
  • You must be able to conduct this experiment with easily attainable equipment, chemicals, and other materials. (ie, no radioactive chemicals, no superpowers, no multi-million dollar scientific equipment, you get my drift...)
  • (Note: although it is hard for it to succeed, you can conduct this experiment at home and get the water to boil without any special equipment.)

    See The Solution Submitted by Haruki    
    Rating: 3.2000 (10 votes)

    Comments: ( Back to comment list | You must be logged in to post comments.)
    Solution Perhaps there is no solution as stated? | Comment 14 of 41 |

    You can't break the glass jar, but perhaps you can break the lid...I don't think that is what Haruki intended.  The lid should stay airtight through the conclusion of the experiment.  

    The area in the jar (I presume Haruki means to say the volume in the jar) does not increase or decrease...that precludes the warping of the lid.

    I don't know if this would work, but I imagine that if the water poured into the jar was in the solid phase to begin with (perhaps crushed ice), it would occupy less volume as it melted...solid water is less dense than liquid water.  Natural melting would create a partial vacuum and the liquid water might visibly boil.

    Of course, getting the ice to melt without using anything that transfers light or heat into the jar is the problem here. (Sunlight would transfer heat into the jar, so that's ruled out.  Room-temperature air circulating outside the jar would also transfer heat to the jar, so that's ruled out.)  I'm at a loss.

      Posted by MindRod on 2005-12-06 23:26:33
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