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Fine Feathers (Posted on 2005-12-06) Difficulty: 1 of 5
Clarise the feather dancer is working on the Va Va Voom show on Emperor Cruise Lines. She and her four fellow feather dancers all perform on stage in matching feather costumes. During the latest show, Fabrio the Italian singer - their greatest rival - tried to sabotage their act as a reaction to the dancers growing popularity. He stole a part of each of the dancers feather costumes and hid each piece in a different place during a different part of the performance. Clarise is missing her feather tutu, although her mask, dancing shoes, feather tiara and feather bra are still in the dressing room. Each of her friends, however is also missing a garment. Which feather dancer is missing which garment, when was it stolen and where is it hidden?

1) Neither Clarise nor La Fawnda was missing a garment during the Opening Teaser
2)The dancing shoes were not found on stage
3)La Fawnda and Clarise scoured the stage with no luck, after La Fawnda discovered her garment missing during the intermission
4) Fans were disappointed when they realized that one of the feather dancers was missing her mask during the Can Can
5)The dancer who was missing her mask and the dancer who couldn't join the Opening Teaser told Chantae they were worried that the show was ruined
6) Chantae was glad that no one stole her dancing shoes or her feather bra, but she was shocked to discover her article of clothing missing early in the show
7) The dancer missing her feather bra was very embarassed after the occupant of Box 11a returned it to her following the opening teaser
8) It was during the Grand Finale that Clarise discovered her tutu was missing, she checked everywhere, even the catwalk, but it wasn't until the next day that anyone thought to check the broom closet. Thankfully the tutu wasn't damaged by the cleaners.
9) Chantae felt like a royal fool when her item went missing
10) The Va Va Voom show program is listed as follows: Opening Teaser, Clarise's Solo, Intermission, Can Can Dance, The Grande Finale
11) The dancer missing her mask did not find it on stage left
12) Heaven Lee was relieved when she tripped over her accesory on stage right.

See The Solution Submitted by Goldwing    
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Solution Solution | Comment 7 of 18 |
I had a nice long post that just got eaten... I don't have the energy to retype it all, since apparantly my clipboard is also empty (I always copy/paste before I post anything).

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="300" style=""><col width="75" span="4"><tbody><tr height="13"><td height="13" class="xl24" width="75">Dancer</td><td class="xl24" width="75">Garment</td><td class="xl24" width="75">Act</td><td class="xl24" width="75">Hiding place</td></tr><tr height="13"><td height="13">Soda</td><td>Bra</td><td>Opening</td><td>Box 11a</td></tr><tr height="13"><td height="13">Chantae</td><td>Tiara</td><td>Solo</td><td>On stage</td></tr><tr height="13"><td height="13">La Fawnda</td><td>Shoes</td><td>Intermiss</td><td>Stage left</td></tr><tr height="13"><td height="13">Heaven Lee</td><td>Mask</td><td>Can Can</td><td>Stage right</td></tr><tr height="13"><td height="13">Clarise</td><td>Tutu</td><td>Finale</td><td>Closet</td></tr></tbody></table>

This is based on the assumption that "on stage" in clue 2 is an actual hiding location. If it is meant to exclude "stage left", then Chantae's item was found stage left and La Fawnda's was found some other location that isn't explicitely stated (perhaps the catwalk).

I also had noticed many of the clues are completely unnecessary to solve the puzzle, the most blatant being clue #9 (we can get all the information we need to figure out Chantae owns the tiara from clues 6, 8, and 5).

The second part of clue 5 is unnecessary then (since clue 7 tells us the Opening Teaser was the bra)

Clue 1 is unnecessary because of clues 3 and 8.

Clue 11 is unnecessary (it can be deduced with the other clues, I won't type out how since it takes a bit).

Nice logic puzzle, but all the extra information makes it way too easy to solve. Cut out the unnecessary bits and you have a much more challenging puzzle!!

  Posted by Lukahn on 2005-12-09 02:06:58
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