Ok, if it isn't electricity, which fits well, there's a reason.
Current is an electrical term, the forever bit has me concerned.
long canals=power lines?
Tame yet wild and elusive. that describes electricity just fine.
Multitasking to your aid--I am using electricity in 7 separate ways right now.
darker, colder, rougher, describes the world before the convenience of electricity.
makes life easy, and is notoriously good at killing people.
if it is not electricity, what else can it be?
The solution is a singular probably tangible noun which has more than one use, can be a literal or metaphorical source of heat and light, has something to do with current and manmade channels. the solution is not water or air, these don't make life easy, they make it possible. Fire does not flow. fuel oil like gasoline or deisel might fit. electricity fits best.
Posted by Adam
on 2005-12-20 23:44:22 |