Take a right triangle with integer sides A, B, & C.
(C need not be the hypotenuse.)
To side C attach another right triangle with integer sides C, D & E.
On this new triangle attach another right triangle to either side D or E. Continue the process of attaching a new right triangle to the previous; creating a chain of right triangles.
Three further rules:
1. No side length may be repeated.
2. No triangles may overlap.
3. No side may have length over 10000.
How many triangles can you make in this chain?
I don't know if it's definitely certain that finding a chain of Pythagorean triples implies that that chain can be created without causing the chain to curve around on itself to force overlapping triangles. It would seem that at any given stage, you have the choice of two orientations to place the next triangle, and that one of them would steer the remainder of the chain away from this self-intersection, but I don't know I could prove this, or even be truly certain it was true.
With that caveat aside, I did write a program to find chains of Pythagorean triples. It uses three files, each containing all the Pythagorean triples with no number exceeding 10000. One of the files is sorted on the shorter leg, one on the longer leg, and one on the hypotenuse. It uses these to do binary searches to find matching sides. Here's the program:
DECLARE SUB build ()
DECLARE SUB ckMatch (s$, n!)
CLEAR , , 30000
OPEN "pythchn.txt" FOR OUTPUT AS #4
OPEN "pythchn1.txt" FOR BINARY AS #1
OPEN "pythchn2.txt" FOR BINARY AS #2
OPEN "pythchn3.txt" FOR BINARY AS #3
DIM SHARED a$(230), b$(230), c$(230), lvl, n$, maxLvl, used(10000), builtOn$
r$ = SPACE$(17): n$ = SPACE$(5)
FOR i = 1 TO 12471
GET #1, i * 19 - 18, r$
a1$ = LEFT$(r$, 5): used(VAL(a1$)) = 1
b1$ = MID$(r$, 7, 5): used(VAL(b1$)) = 1
c1$ = RIGHT$(r$, 5): used(VAL(c1$)) = 1
a$(1) = a1$: b$(1) = b1$: c$(1) = c1$:
lvl = 1
used(VAL(a1$)) = 0
used(VAL(b1$)) = 0
used(VAL(c1$)) = 0
SUB build
FOR i = 1 TO 3
ckMatch a$(lvl), i
ckMatch b$(lvl), i
ckMatch c$(lvl), i
SUB ckMatch (s$, n)
IF s$ = builtOn$ THEN EXIT SUB
r$ = SPACE$(17)
low = 1: high = 12471
mid = INT((low + high) / 2)
GET #n, 19 * mid - 18, r$
cmpar$ = MID$(r$, n * 6 - 5, 5)
IF cmpar$ < s$ THEN
low = mid + 1
ELSEIF cmpar$ > s$ THEN
high = mid - 1
LOOP UNTIL low > high
IF cmpar$ = s$ THEN
j = mid
j = j - 1
IF j > 0 THEN
GET #n, 19 * j - 18, r$
cmpar$ = MID$(r$, n * 6 - 5, 5)
LOOP UNTIL j = 0 OR cmpar$ <> s$
i = j + 1
GET #n, 19 * i - 18, r$
cmpar$ = MID$(r$, n * 6 - 5, 5)
IF cmpar$ <> s$ THEN EXIT DO
good = 1
FOR j = 1 TO 3
IF j <> n THEN
c = VAL(MID$(r$, j * 6 - 5, 5))
IF used(c) THEN
good = 0: EXIT FOR
IF good THEN
lvl = lvl + 1
FOR j = 1 TO 3
c = VAL(MID$(r$, j * 6 - 5, 5))
used(c) = 1
a$(lvl) = LEFT$(r$, 5)
b$(lvl) = MID$(r$, 7, 5)
c$(lvl) = RIGHT$(r$, 5)
IF lvl > maxLvl THEN
maxLvl = lvl
FOR j = 1 TO lvl
PRINT j, a$(j); "-"; b$(j); "-"; c$(j)
PRINT #4, j, a$(j); "-"; b$(j); "-"; c$(j)
PRINT "----------"
PRINT #4, "----------"
bu$ = builtOn$
builtOn$ = s$
FOR j = 1 TO 3
IF j <> n THEN
c = VAL(MID$(r$, j * 6 - 5, 5))
used(c) = 0
lvl = lvl - 1
builtOn$ = bu$
i = i + 1
It's recursive, so needs stack space; uses strings, so needs string space; and of course regular storage space. These factors seem to have determined the limit of the chain size arbitrarily, so the actual size limit has not been found. (i.e., the program crashes due to space limitations before exhausting the possibilities).
The longest it found before crashing was:
1 3- 4- 5
2 5- 12- 13
3 12- 16- 20
4 16- 30- 34
5 30- 40- 50
6 40- 42- 58
7 42- 56- 70
8 56- 90- 106
9 90- 120- 150
10 120- 126- 174
11 126- 168- 210
12 168- 224- 280
13 224- 360- 424
14 360- 378- 522
15 378- 504- 630
16 504- 550- 746
17 550- 1320- 1430
18 1320- 1386- 1914
19 1386- 1848- 2310
20 1848- 1989- 2715
21 1989- 2652- 3315
22 2652- 2961- 3975
23 2961- 3948- 4935
24 3948- 5264- 6580
25 5264- 8052- 9620
26 635- 8052- 8077
27 635- 1524- 1651
28 1524- 2032- 2540
29 2032- 3810- 4318
30 3810- 5080- 6350
31 5080- 5334- 7366
32 5334- 7112- 8890
33 4191- 7112- 8255
34 4191- 5588- 6985
35 6096- 6985- 9271
36 4572- 6096- 7620
37 1905- 4572- 4953
38 1905- 7952- 8177
39 1065- 7952- 8023
40 1065- 1420- 1775
41 1420- 1491- 2059
42 1491- 1988- 2485
43 1988- 3195- 3763
44 3195- 4260- 5325
45 4260- 4473- 6177
46 4473- 5964- 7455
47 923- 5964- 6035
48 923- 2436- 2605
49 2436- 2923- 3805
50 3805- 9132- 9893
51 468- 9120- 9132
52 468- 595- 757
53 595- 600- 845
54 600- 800- 1000
55 800- 840- 1160
56 840- 882- 1218
57 882- 1176- 1470
58 1176- 1568- 1960
59 1568- 2145- 2657
60 2145- 2300- 3145
61 2300- 2415- 3335
62 2415- 3220- 4025
63 3220- 3381- 4669
64 3381- 4508- 5635
65 4508- 6720- 8092
66 6720- 7056- 9744
67 833- 7056- 7105
68 833- 1056- 1345
69 1056- 1210- 1606
70 1210- 2904- 3146
71 2904- 3465- 4521
72 3465- 3876- 5199
73 3876- 4480- 5924
74 4480- 4704- 6496
75 4704- 5278- 7070
76 5278- 7440- 9122
77 244- 7440- 7444
78 244- 3717- 3725
79 3717- 4560- 5883
80 4560- 4788- 6612
81 4788- 5225- 7087
82 5225- 6660- 8465
83 6660- 6731- 9469
84 3556- 5715- 6731
85 5715- 7052- 9077
86 336- 7052- 7060
87 336- 377- 505
88 377- 5460- 5473
89 5460- 5733- 7917
90 5733- 7644- 9555
91 567- 7644- 7665
92 567- 756- 945
93 756- 825- 1119
94 825- 1100- 1375
95 1100- 1155- 1595
96 1155- 1292- 1733
97 1292- 5415- 5567
98 5415- 7220- 9025
99 4959- 7220- 8759
100 2160- 4959- 5409
101 2160- 2268- 3132
102 2268- 2475- 3357
103 2475- 2992- 3883
104 2992- 3294- 4450
105 3294- 4392- 5490
106 4392- 5856- 7320
107 5856- 6290- 8594
108 5400- 6290- 8290
109 5400- 5670- 7830
110 5670- 7560- 9450
111 213- 7560- 7563
112 213- 284- 355
113 284- 5037- 5045
114 5037- 6716- 8395
115 3213- 6716- 7445
116 3213- 3240- 4563
117 3240- 3402- 4698
118 3402- 6120- 7002
119 6120- 6426- 8874
120 6426- 6480- 9126
121 6480- 6804- 9396
122 1053- 6804- 6885
123 1053- 1404- 1755
124 1404- 1785- 2271
125 1785- 1800- 2535
126 1800- 1890- 2610
127 1890- 2520- 3150
128 2520- 2646- 3654
129 2646- 3528- 4410
130 3528- 3850- 5222
131 3850- 5304- 6554
132 5304- 5922- 7950
133 5922- 7896- 9870
134 890- 7896- 7946
135 890- 2136- 2314
136 2136- 2848- 3560
137 2848- 5340- 6052
138 5340- 5607- 7743
139 5607- 7476- 9345
140 1157- 7476- 7565
141 348- 7565- 7573
142 348- 464- 580
143 464- 777- 905
144 777- 1036- 1295
145 1036- 1173- 1565
146 1173- 1564- 1955
147 1564- 1827- 2405
148 1827- 2660- 3227
149 2660- 2793- 3857
150 2793- 3060- 4143
151 3060- 3472- 4628
152 3472- 5580- 6572
153 5580- 5859- 8091
154 5859- 7812- 9765
155 125- 7812- 7813
156 125- 300- 325
157 300- 315- 435
158 315- 420- 525
159 420- 441- 609
160 441- 588- 735
161 588- 784- 980
162 784- 1260- 1484
163 1260- 1680- 2100
164 1680- 1885- 2525
165 1885- 2088- 2813
166 2088- 2091- 2955
167 2091- 2788- 3485
168 2788- 6435- 7013
169 6435- 6900- 9435
170 576- 6900- 6924
171 576- 660- 876
172 660- 693- 957
173 693- 1560- 1707
174 1560- 1638- 2262
175 1638- 2184- 2730
176 2184- 2650- 3434
177 2650- 6360- 6890
178 6360- 6678- 9222
179 6678- 7104- 9750
180 1035- 7104- 7179
181 1035- 1120- 1525
182 1120- 1368- 1768
183 1368- 1824- 2280
184 1824- 1943- 2665
185 2665- 2952- 3977
186 2952- 3936- 4920
187 3936- 4275- 5811
188 4275- 5168- 6707
189 5168- 8526- 9970
190 2800- 8526- 8974
191 2800- 2940- 4060
192 2940- 3087- 4263
193 3087- 4116- 5145
194 4116- 5488- 6860
195 3234- 5488- 6370
196 3234- 4312- 5390
197 4312- 4641- 6335
198 4641- 4680- 6591
199 4680- 4914- 6786
200 4914- 6552- 8190
201 6552- 6586- 9290
202 810- 6536- 6586
203 810- 1080- 1350
204 1080- 1134- 1566
205 1134- 2040- 2334
206 2040- 2142- 2958
207 2142- 2856- 3570
208 2856- 2880- 4056
209 2880- 3024- 4176
210 3024- 3300- 4476
211 3300- 3731- 4981
212 3731- 5292- 6475
213 5292- 5775- 7833
214 5775- 6460- 8665
Perhaps someone can port the program to Visual Basic (from the Quick Basic it's in), and gain the extra resources of Windows (rather than the DOS environment it's in). The syntax is similar; the big difference is you can't use both the string n$ and the numeric variable n, for example.
Posted by Charlie
on 2006-03-20 21:54:20 |