(In reply to
No zeros, no negatives by Rollercoaster)
I do believe your solution, (497, 2), is the one that was sought, yet I believe Brian's, (3, -147) and Bob Smith's, (026,005) can be valid in presentation.
497 + 2 = 499
497 * 2 = 944
-147 + 3 = -144
-147 * 3 = 441- (displayed with a trailing negative sign)
026 + 005 = 031 (all numbers displayed as 3-digit numbers)
026 * 005 = 130
Of course, then we could then include (020, -025) as a valid solution:
-025 + 020 = -005 (numbers displayed with 3-digits)
-025 * 020 = 500- (displayed with a trailing negative sign)
Posted by Dej Mar
on 2006-04-05 22:17:41 |