A={the set of all positive integers leaving a remainder of 4 when divided by 45}
B={the set of all positive integers leaving a remainder of 45 when divided by 454}
C={the set of all positive integers leaving a remainder of 454 when divided by 4545}
D={the set of all positive integers leaving a remainder of 4545 when divided by 45454}
Find the smallest number in the intersection of
1)Sets A and B;
2)Sets A and B and C;
3)Sets A and B and C and D.
(In reply to
computer solution by Charlie)
Excellent, Charlie! I have checked your answers and they are in the
intersections and are minimal. The minimality follows from the
Generalized Chinese Remainder Theorem (see Wikipedia article on Chinese
Remainder Theorem). Since the moduli 45, 454, 4545, and 45454 are not
all pairwise coprime, the ordinary Chinese Remainder Theorem does not
apply to other than part 1, but the generalized theorem does.
Posted by Richard
on 2006-04-16 16:02:32 |