This is the hardest riddle I've ever created so far. If you can solve it I'd say you're really good. Here goes...
Half of a common germ,
Half of a yellow food.
Half of a longer month,
Half of a plane of wood.
This thing has two halves too,
One half as heavy as the other.
Tis' an object used to
Part one's life asunder.
What on earth am I talking about?
A guess:
(3) Half a common germ : E (E. Colli)
(2) Half a yellow food : SQU (squash)
(1) Half a longer month : MA (March)
(4) Half a plane of wood: RADE (radeau = ‘a raft’)
A MASQUERADE does parts one’s life asunder – i.e., a participant portrays him-/herself in the part of another role. The word also can be split exactly in half with 5 letters per half (“one half as heavy as the other”).
(I know this can not be the answer, as the first hint gives that one of the letters in one of the words is split, yet as of yet I have no inkling to what is "the object of halves.")
Posted by Dej Mar
on 2006-05-27 07:52:30 |