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Darting on one leg (Posted on 2006-06-22) Difficulty: 3 of 5
Down at the local pub, two darts players had been challenged to compete against each other in a single leg of “Three-Oh-One”. Dispensing with the optional rule that one had to score a double before he could score any points, the players opted instead to only score if their dart landed in a wedge denoted by a prime number (thus, eliminating scoring on a bullseye). In addition, each player had been assured of throwing an equal number a darts.

The game was completed only after three series of throws. (A series is three darts thrown consecutively by a player) From the information following, provide the score of each dart in the order each was thrown.

  1. No points for an individual dart was repeated by a single player.
  2. For both players, a series had the same sum total of the wedge numbers (not the points) as it did for the player's other series of throws.
  3. For each player, for each series, the first throw scored the highest value of that series.
  4. Though not all in the same series, one wedge of the dartboard was hit thrice in a row by the first player.
  5. For the second player, the second dart of his last series scored just a single point more than his second dart of his second series.
  6. The last series thrown by the second player were all doubles. His last throw was the lowest points scored, yet it still yielded a tie score for the leg.

Additional notes: “Three-Oh-One” is played on a standard darts board. The board is divided into 20 wedges numbered unsequentially from 1 to 20. The numbers represent the value of the wedge. Two narrow rings cross these wedges -- the outer ring and the inner ring. In the center of the dartboard is the bullseye, often with a red circle in the middle called the inner bull surrounded by a thin ring of a second color called the outer bull. A dart that successfully sticks will score the value of the wedge or the bullseye. If it lands in the outer ring of a wedge it will score double, and if it lands in the inner ring, triple. If the dart lands in the bullseye, it scores 25 for the outer bull and 50 for the inner bull. If the dart lands elsewhere it scores zero.

Each player/team begins with 301 points, and each tries to reduce his/their score to zero. Each turn each player throws up to three darts. The score is then tallied, and if it would not reduce the player’s total beyond zero, it is subtracted from the player’s total – with one other exception, the final throw that would reduce one’s total to zero must be either a double or a bullseye.

See The Solution Submitted by Dej Mar    
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Some Thoughts re: Answer (partial spoiler) | Comment 4 of 5 |
(In reply to Answer by Eric)

Eric, you correctly deduced the points scored by Player 2, but your thoughts that Player 1's points would satisfy the conditions of the problem is not correct.

The given statement 6 states that Player 2 "...yielded a tie score for the leg."  This phrase to the statement was made to indicate that both players ended with a total score of 301.  It is true that a tie score does not occur in a normal game of 301, but from the preamble to the problem you should note that the players opted to play a variation of this game that would permit a tie score.

  Posted by Dej Mar on 2006-06-23 19:29:58
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