Jack has challenged you to play a card game with him. The idea of the game is that a player gets a random card and after seeing it it's placed back in the deck. The player may get as many cards as he/she wants and the sum of the values of these cards represents the points this player got. However if the player gets an ace he/she gets zero points as total and the other player may try. How should one play this game (how many cards should be picked) for maximum chance of winning against Jack?
Face cards can be interpreted so that king is 13 points, queen is 12 points and jack is 11 points.
The strategy for the second player (presumably Jack) will be just to continue drawing until the mark's (Jack's intended victim's) total is exceeded or an ace is drawn.
At any given stage of the mark's progress, all that matters as to whether to continue drawing or not is how much is being risked in terms of total accumulated thus far, as all cards are replaced in the deck. It doesn't matter how many cards it took to accumulate a given total. It must take into consideration how hard it will be for Jack to beat the total built thus far, as well as the likelihood of reducing that probability by the chance of increasing the total further.
The probability of having, at some point in the draw, if extended indefinitely, any given total exactly, will be the sum of the probabilities of reaching 13 less to 2 less, also exactly, multiplied by 1/13--the probability of increasing by that amount. The probability of equalling or exceeding any given amount will be the sum of all the transition probabilities encountered in the exact-total calculation, so that for example, the probability of equalling or exceeding a total of 6 will be the sum of the probabilities of getting a 6 to begin with, achieving a total of exactly 2 and then immediately getting a 4, achieving a total of exactly 3 and then immediately getting a 3 and achieving a total of exactly 4 and then immediately getting a 2.
The following first part of the program computes these and stores them in arrays for further computation:
DIM exact(14)
DIM atLeast(14)
DIM al(200), ex(200)
OPEN "cardgame.txt" FOR OUTPUT AS #2
rep14 = 2
exact(12) = 1
atLeast(12) = 1
FOR i = 1 TO 12 ' rep14 - 13 to rep14 - 2
p = exact(i) / 13
FOR j = i + 1 TO 14
atLeast(j) = atLeast(j) + p
exact(14) = exact(14) + p
IF rep14 - 13 >= 2 THEN
IF rep14 - 13 < 70 THEN
PRINT #2, USING "#### #.####### #.#######"; rep14 - 13; exact(1); atLeast(1)
al(rep14 - 13) = atLeast(1) ' store for later use
ex(rep14 - 13) = exact(1) ' store for later use
FOR i = 1 TO 13
exact(i) = exact(i + 1)
atLeast(i) = atLeast(i + 1)
exact(14) = 0: atLeast(14) = 0
rep14 = rep14 + 1
LOOP UNTIL rep14 - 13 > UBOUND(al)
The tabulation is:
total exact at least
2 0.0769231 0.9230769
3 0.0769231 0.9171598
4 0.0828402 0.9112426
5 0.0887574 0.9048703
6 0.0951297 0.8980428
7 0.1019572 0.8907251
8 0.1092749 0.8828823
9 0.1171177 0.8744765
10 0.1255235 0.8654674
11 0.1345326 0.8558118
12 0.1441882 0.8454631
13 0.1545369 0.8343717
14 0.0887052 0.8224843
15 0.1005927 0.8156608
16 0.1014990 0.8079229
17 0.1033197 0.8001153
18 0.1047550 0.7921676
19 0.1058752 0.7841095
20 0.1066156 0.7759653
21 0.1069170 0.7677641
22 0.1067124 0.7595397
23 0.1059277 0.7513311
24 0.1044807 0.7431828
25 0.1022803 0.7351458
26 0.0992259 0.7272781
27 0.0952062 0.7196453
28 0.0960155 0.7123218
29 0.0956011 0.7049360
30 0.0951793 0.6975820
31 0.0945856 0.6902605
32 0.0938490 0.6829847
33 0.0929806 0.6757656
34 0.0919985 0.6686132
35 0.0909265 0.6615364
36 0.0897947 0.6545421
37 0.0886407 0.6476348
38 0.0875110 0.6408163
39 0.0864618 0.6340846
40 0.0855607 0.6274337
41 0.0848880 0.6208521
42 0.0840838 0.6143223
43 0.0832597 0.6078543
44 0.0824062 0.6014497
45 0.0815350 0.5951108
46 0.0806548 0.5888389
47 0.0797744 0.5826346
48 0.0789018 0.5764982
49 0.0780439 0.5704288
50 0.0772060 0.5644254
51 0.0763909 0.5584865
52 0.0755982 0.5526103
53 0.0748235 0.5467950
54 0.0740571 0.5410394
55 0.0732829 0.5353427
56 0.0725116 0.5297055
57 0.0717442 0.5241277
58 0.0709831 0.5186089
59 0.0702299 0.5131487
60 0.0694860 0.5077464
61 0.0687518 0.5024013
62 0.0680275 0.4971127
63 0.0673127 0.4918798
64 0.0666067 0.4867019
65 0.0659083 0.4815783
66 0.0652167 0.4765085
67 0.0645309 0.4714918
68 0.0638509 0.4665279
69 0.0631776 0.4616163
so for example, at the outset if play is continued until an ace is received, there is about 6.31776% probability that a total of 69 will be reached exactly at some point and a 46.16163% probability that 69 will be either reached or exceeded before an ace is received.
By the way, the value for 57 -- about .524 probability of reaching or exceeding 57 -- has been verified within statistical error bounds by:
FOR tr = 1 TO 1000000
t = 0
n = INT(RND(1) * 13 + 1)
IF n = 1 THEN t = 0: EXIT DO
t = t + n
LOOP UNTIL t >= 57
IF t >= 57 THEN goodCt = goodCt + 1
PRINT goodCt / tr
From this information we can figure at what total accumulated value it is worthwhile to stop drawing. If one stops drawing, the probability of a win will be just 1 minus the probability that Jack will equal or exceed one unit higher (he will try for a win rather than a tie, as, if he has equalled the mark's total, there is only 1/13 chance that an additional draw will cause him to lose, and presumably a win is more 14/13 as good as a draw). If the mark continues to draw, there is 1/13 probability that he will get an ace, and 1/13 for each of the cards that will bring his total to 2, 3, ..., 13 points higher than he has now, so the 1/13 probabilities have to be multiplied by the probabilities of winning with that total, each of which is 1 minus Jack's probablity of exceeding the respective totals.
The continuation of the first program above calculates these:
FOR i = 10 TO 60
pStay = 1 - al(i + 1)
t = 0
FOR j = i + 2 TO i + 13
t = t + 1 - al(j + 1)
pHit = t / 13
PRINT #2, i, pStay, pHit
IF pHit < pStay AND goal = 0 THEN goal = i
resulting in these probabilities:
curr. total prob win by staying prob of win by drawing
10 .1441882204164286 .195798845084751
11 .1545368793337383 .2034316083323801
12 .1656282809042325 .2107551613206228
13 .1775157331606735 .2181409670795046
14 .1843392103899933 .2254949002502773
15 .1920771070236544 .2328163866823629
16 .1998847203854702 .2400922010472654
17 .20783239042962 .2473113546167851
18 .2158904672016828 .2544637058827389
19 .2240347115129421 .2615405152228656
20 .2322359101182142 .2685348606749596
21 .2404602919285935 .275442141746531
22 .2486689382155137 .2822606581132129
23 .2568172248311731 .2889922746936896
24 .2648542031234106 .2956431833881866
25 .2727219220078283 .3022247731082874
26 .2803546852554571 .3087546209596385
27 .2876782382436999 .3152226060387756
28 .2950640440025816 .3216271999394957
29 .3024179771733538 .3279661398899891
30 .309739463605439 .3342380628816992
31 .3170152779703413 .3404422771334842
32 .3242344315398614 .3465787661334042
33 .3313867828058157 .352648132434221
34 .3384635921459422 .3586515097771782
35 .3454579375980366 .3645904321377698
36 .3523652186696082 .3704666514965362
37 .3591837350362899 .3762818943768501
38 .3659153516167664 .3820375457698001
39 .3725662603112636 .3877342474058434
40 .3791478500313645 .3933713954681635
41 .3856776978827154 .398949214034861
42 .3921456829618527 .4044679983062969
43 .3985502768625728 .4099282347789793
44 .4048892168130661 .4153305375039483
45 .411161139804776 .4206756111689864
46 .4173653540565608 .4259642089667207
47 .4235018430564809 .4311970919463181
48 .4295712093572978 .4363749918839753
49 .4355745867002548 .4414985811000174
50 .4415135090608463 .4465684534375128
51 .4473897284196128 .4515851216469873
52 .4532049712999267 .4565490376214268
53 .4589606226928767 .461460643332284
54 .46465732432892 .4663204619594581
55 .4702944723912403 .4711290334438752
56 .4758722909579379 .4758869152633492
57 .4813910752293736 .4805946690068027
58 .4868513117020563 .485252851911372
59 .4922536144270255 .4898620102065885
60 .4975986880920638 .4944226750484849
we see that 57 is the first total at which you have a greater probability of winning if you keep what you have than if you try to better it by drawing again. So the mark's best strategy is to stop drawing if his total is 57 or more.
But what exactly is the mark's probability of winning? The 48.139% is only his probability of winning given that he already has a current total of 57. He might not get that far, as he could draw an ace before that. On the other hand, in going for the 57, he might actually wind up with, say, 63.
The following continuation of the program takes into consideration all the ways of equalling or exceeding a given goal total, multiplying those probabilities by the probability of winning (of Jack's losing), given the actual achieved total:
ex(0) = 1: al(0) = 1
FOR g = goal - 54 TO goal + 60
tProb = 0
FOR i = g - 13 TO g - 1
FOR j = g - i TO 13
IF j <> 1 AND i >= 0 THEN
tProb = tProb + ex(i) * (1 - al(i + j + 1)) / 13
PRINT #2, USING "### #.##########"; g; tProb
The results are:
goal prob of win
3 0.1188516514
4 0.1227139586
5 0.1270201525
6 0.1317558583
7 0.1369178187
8 0.1424875490
9 0.1484288944
10 0.1546828135
11 0.1611611602
12 0.1677390935
13 0.1742458581
14 0.1805239550
15 0.1841746788
16 0.1882727512
17 0.1923537692
18 0.1964327244
19 0.2004734639
20 0.2044443975
21 0.2083144312
22 0.2120545844
23 0.2156392375
24 0.2190474673
25 0.2222643221
26 0.2252818839
27 0.2280998937
28 0.2307222880
29 0.2332727620
30 0.2357151953
31 0.2380469554
32 0.2402628119
33 0.2423598052
34 0.2443366976
35 0.2461939561
36 0.2479336067
37 0.2495590186
38 0.2510746117
39 0.2524854812
40 0.2537969329
41 0.2550139089
42 0.2561405017
43 0.2571766089
44 0.2581239345
45 0.2589843642
46 0.2597601266
47 0.2604536654
48 0.2610675490
49 0.2616043794
50 0.2620667110
51 0.2624569830
52 0.2627774727
53 0.2630302779
54 0.2632173382
55 0.2633405053
56 0.2634016644
57 0.2634027249
58 0.2633455873
59 0.2632321237
60 0.2630641615
61 0.2628434732
62 0.2625717714
63 0.2622507088
64 0.2618818832
65 0.2614668454
66 0.2610071095
67 0.2605041624
68 0.2599594689
69 0.2593744688
70 0.2587505601
71 0.2580891042
72 0.2573914240
73 0.2566588052
74 0.2558924979
75 0.2550937193
76 0.2542636554
77 0.2534034636
78 0.2525142737
79 0.2515971891
80 0.2506532865
81 0.2496836154
82 0.2486891971
83 0.2476710246
84 0.2466300644
85 0.2455672571
86 0.2444835185
87 0.2433797406
88 0.2422567926
89 0.2411155208
90 0.2399567499
91 0.2387812829
92 0.2375899012
93 0.2363833655
94 0.2351624156
95 0.2339277710
96 0.2326801318
97 0.2314201787
98 0.2301485743
99 0.2288659628
100 0.2275729711
101 0.2262702087
102 0.2249582682
103 0.2236377260
104 0.2223091422
105 0.2209730609
106 0.2196300112
107 0.2182805069
108 0.2169250472
109 0.2155641170
110 0.2141981873
111 0.2128277155
112 0.2114531459
113 0.2100749095
114 0.2086934248
115 0.2073090981
116 0.2059223233
117 0.2045334827
and indeed 57 is the best goal to have, though the probability of a win is only a little better than 1/4.
Posted by Charlie
on 2006-08-12 16:07:57 |