You are probably quite certain that the following numbers are irrational. But can you prove it?
a = 0.149162536496481...
b = 0.2357111317192329...
c = 0.1248163264128256...
(In reply to
re: One down, two to go by Dej Mar)
I was aware of what you say. The silly joke about the missing digits (those not given in the problem) was meant to allude to the fact that you cannot tell whether a number is rational unless you know all its digits. Otherwise one can never know whether the digits might not start to repeat after the 27464th digit, or break off and continue as all zeros, or whether the number is really irrational. Just as you say, there are always both rationals and irrationals beginning with a given string of digits, however long.
Posted by vswitchs
on 2006-09-06 02:54:42 |