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Six Tenants Problem (Posted on 2006-08-25) Difficulty: 3 of 5
A group of six people live in the same apartment building. On a particular occasion, they got together one day for lunch. As part of their conversation, they discovered that each one lived on a different floor and that the amount of rent paid by each one of them was all different. Two facts immediately emerged out of the luncheon meeting. The higher the floor , the higher was the rent. The rent paid by one of the six people was $525.

The details of the six people are furnished below ( albeit not necessarily in that order).

First Names: Alice, Paul, Denise, Fiona, Sandra, Joe.

Last Names: Ackers, Pryor, Davidson, Johnson, Stevens, Falkin.

Floor: 12th, 14th, 17th, 21st, 24th, 25th.

Using the clues given below, determine the full names of the six renters, the floor on which each resides, and the amount of rent they each pay.

1. Ms. Johnson lives between Denise and Ackers.

2. The highest rent is not paid by Falkin, Stevens or Paul. It is $175 more than that of the 17th floor.

3. Floor 21 is rented at $75 more than where Ackers lives and $50 less than what Alice pays.

4. Sandra pays $475 which is $175 less than Ms. Davidson.

5. Pryor’s rent is $50 higher than Alice’s rent and $100 more than the rent paid by Joe.

6. The rent at the 12th floor is $450. No one with the initial P or A ( in either their first names or their surnames) lives there.

7. Stevens’ rent is lower than Johnson’s.

See The Solution Submitted by K Sengupta    
Rating: 4.2500 (8 votes)

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Slightly different answer | Comment 17 of 21 |
I seem to have gotten a slightly differetn answer, it's prolly my mistake but here it is:

12 floor, $450, Fiona Stevens
14 floor, $475, Sandra Johnson
17 floor, $525, Paul Ackers
21 Floor, $600, Joe Faulkin
24 floor, $650, Alice Davidson
25 floor, $700, Denise Pryor

  Posted by Amanda on 2006-09-10 14:29:47
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