1. The first four players eliminated, in some order, were Beth, a player eliminated the round Zach was the winner of (not Annie), the player eliminated the round immediately before Stephanie was the winner of a round, and a boy (who’s not Adam or Zach).
2. The last four players remaining were, in some order, Stephanie, the person who was the winner of the round Kurt was eliminated, and two other girls.
3. The winner of the last round won three times total, but not all in a row. No one else won more than once.
4. Annie was the little one to win a round and then be eliminated the next round. Joann outlasted her.
5. These players were, in some order, eliminated consecutively, the winner of round 5, a player who was eliminated a round Malcolm won, and Liz.
6. Either no one won two rounds consecutively, or the winner of round 8 did not win round 11.
7. Henry and Kurt, both of whom won a round, fought for the final spoon two rounds after the one Jessica was eliminated.
8. Jessica won round 1; Adam lasted longer than round 3.
9. Bobby was not the winner of a round Henry won.
10. If Zach was eliminated before round 7, then Liz did not win round 6.
11. If Malcolm won round 10, then Liz did not win round 7.
12. If Joann was eliminated in round 10, then she did not win round 8.
13. If then winner of round 3 was eliminated in round 7, then Kurt did not win round 4.