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Red, White and Blue (Posted on 2006-10-29) Difficulty: 3 of 5
                    A  B  C  D  E  F
               1  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               2  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               3  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               4  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               5  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
               6  |  |  |  |  |  |  |

Each row, column and long diagonal contains two reds, two blues and two whites.

From the clues given below, can you complete the grid?

1. Both the reds are somewhere to the left of both the whites.
2. Both the blues are somewhere to the right of both the reds.
3. The reds are adjacent.
4. Both the whites are to the right of the reds and blues.
5. The blues are adjacent.
6. Both the whites are somewhere to the left of both the blues.

A. Both the whites are somewhere below both the blues.
B. Each red is immediately above a white.
C. There are no reds or whites in the outer cells.
D. No clue for this one.
E. The pattern (order) of colours in the upper three cells is repeated in the lower three.
F. No clue for this one.

See The Solution Submitted by Josie Faulkner    
Rating: 4.4667 (15 votes)

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Solution Solution | Comment 14 of 20 |

From Clue C we know C1 and C6 are Blue.

From Clue 6 we know A6 and B6 are White.

From Clue B we know B5 is Red.

From Clue 4 we know E4 and F4 are White.

From Clue E we know E1 is White like E4.

From Clue 2 we know E2 cannot be red, and E2 cannot be white either (since E1 and E4 already are). So E2 is Blue.

From Clue E we know E5 is Blue like E2. That leaves E3 and E6 to be Red.

From Clue 2 we know A2 cannot be blue, and from Clue A we know A2 cannot be white. So A2 is Red.

From Clue A we know A1 and A3 cannot be white, and A4 cannot be white (since E4 and F4 already are). So A5 is White.

From Clue B we know B4 cannot be red, and B4 cannot be white (since E4 and F4 already are). So B4 is Blue.

C4 cannot be blue (since C1 and C6 already are) and C4 cannot be white (since E4 and F4 already are). So C4 is Red.

From Clue 3 we know C3 cannot be red, and C3 cannot be blue (since C1 and C6 already are). So C3 is White.

From Clue 3 we know A3 cannot be red, and A3 cannot be white (since A5 and A6 already are). So A3 is Blue.

Ok, I did NOT pick up on the "long diagonal" constraint =D. I've been stuck here for a while. Phew! Glad I finally noticed that.

From Clue 3 we know either D3 or F3 is red, but D3 cannot be red (since B5 and C4 already are). So F3 is Red.

A1 cannot be white (since A5 and A6 already are), D4 cannot be white (since E4 and F4 already are), and F6 cannot be white (since A6 and B6 already are). So B2 is White.

From Clue B we know B1 is Red. That leaves B3 to be Blue. That leaves D3 to be White. That leaves F1 to be Blue.

From Clue 1 we know A1 is Red and D1 is White. That leaves A4 to be Blue. That leaves D4 to be Red. That leaves F6 to be Blue. That leaves D6 to be Red. That leaves D2 and D5 to be Blue.

From Clue 2 we know C2 is Red. That leaves F2 to be White and C5 to be White. That leaves F5 to be Red.

And we're done! Please note, I didn't use Clue 5, so it was redundant info.

     A   B   C   D   E   F
1 | R | R | B | W | W | B |
2 | R | W | R | B | B | W |
3 | B | B | W | W | R | R |
4 | B | B | R | R | W | W |
5 | W | R | W | B | B | R |
6 | W | W | B | R | R | B |

Fun Puzzle!

Edited on November 7, 2006, 6:06 pm
  Posted by nikki on 2006-11-07 17:52:55

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