Recently physicists have managed to build "attosecond lasers", lasers
which emit pulses 10-18 seconds long, interrupted by much longer periods of darkness (at least 10-14 seconds). Before them, lasers emitting
femtosecond (10-15 seconds) pulses have been around. Assuming they
produce visible light, what colour is it?
Attosecond pulses require loads of bandwidth to produce (many
wavelengths). The fundamental misunderstanding with this problem
is that the duration of the pulse is equal to 1/(de Broglie frequency),
but in fact there many wavelength components winthin 1 attosecond or
any other ultrashort pulse for that matter. The answer to this is more
of a solid state physics problem of natural harmonics of crystals used
as the lasing medium, etc.
Posted by jake
on 2006-11-15 12:41:11 |