In the window of my pocket calculator, I can see a six-figure number,
abcdef, with distinct digits between 1 and 9. A close inspection of the digits reveals that
cdef, and
def are all prime numbers.
If I turn the calculator upside-down, I see that uvwxyz and wxyz are also prime numbers.
Which number is displayed in the window of my pocket calculator and what is the upside-down version of it?
Full credit for this problem goes to Ajit Athle who has very kindly given his permission for the puzzle to be posted here.
(In reply to
Solution (spoiler) by Leming)
10 N=99999
20 while N<999999
30 N=nxtprm(N)
40 Ns=cutspc(str(N))
50 Good=1:Bkwd=""
55 for I=1 to len(Ns)-1
56 if instr(mid(Ns,I+1,*),mid(Ns,I))>0 then Good=0
57 next
60 for I=1 to len(Ns)
70 if instr("0347",mid(Ns,I,1))>0 then Good=0
71 C=mid(Ns,I,1):if C="6" then C="9":else if C="9" then C="6"
75 Bkwd=C+Bkwd
80 next
90 P1=val(mid(Ns,3,*)):P2=val(mid(Ns,4,*))
91 P3=val(Bkwd):if prmdiv(P3)<>P3 then Good=0
94 P4=val(mid(Bkwd,3,*)):if prmdiv(P4)<>P4 then Good=0
100 if Good=1 and prmdiv(P1)=P1 and prmdiv(P2)=P2 then print N;P1;P2;prmdiv(P3);prmdiv(P4):Ct=Ct+1
200 wend
158269 8269 269 692851 2851
I could have used nested ifs and premature exits from loops, but UBASIC's structure makes that not worth the bother just to get an answer in a fraction of a second rather than 2 seconds.
Posted by Charlie
on 2006-12-15 11:15:45 |