For a given sequence S=x
3,.. of real numbers, x is called a
subsequential limit of S, if x is the limit of a subsequence of S. For example, the sequence 1+2
-2,.. has the subsequential limits 1 and 2.
Let S be a sequence so that the set of its subsequential limits is identical to the set of sequence elements. Prove that S contains a subsequence of the form x,x,x,...
(In reply to
Observation 2 by Steve Herman)
Excellent observation, Steve. This is in fact the key for the proof. If one tries to construct an example of a self-limited sequence without a constant subsequence, one will always end up with a non-countable set. Remains to be proven that this must always be the case.
Posted by JLo
on 2006-12-21 13:45:25 |