Given that x=111110/111111, y=222221/222223, z=333331/333334, which is the biggest and which is the smallest?
A common denominator can be determined by multiplying the denominator and numerator of each fraction with the denominators of the other two fractions:
x = 111110 / 111111 = 823041563746502 / 823048971194650
y = 222221 / 222223 = 823041563779835 / 823048971194650
z = 333331 / 333334 = 823041563768724 / 823048971194650
823041563779835 > 823041563768724 > 823041563746502,
y > z > x.
Therefore, y is the biggest and x is the smallest fraction of the three fractions.
Posted by Dej Mar
on 2007-02-22 20:32:21 |