The powers of 2 mod 5 cycle through the four values 2, 4, 3, 1, and 58 is 2 more than a multible of 4, so 2^58 = 4 mod 5, and adding 1 makes it congruent to 0 mod 5, so when you divide 2^58+1 by 5, the result is an integer.
A probabilistic primality test indicated this number is definitely composite (as opposed to its other possibility of probably prime):
10 print fnPrime(57646075230342349)
80 end
90 '
10000 fnOddfact(N)
10010 local K=0,P
10030 while N@2=0
10040 N=N\2
10050 K=K+1
10060 wend
10070 P=pack(N,K)
10080 return(P)
10090 '
10100 fnPrime(N)
10110 local I,X,J,Y,Q,K,T,Ans
10120 if N@2=0 then Ans=0:goto *EndPrime
10125 O=fnOddfact(N-1)
10130 Q=member(O,1)
10140 K=member(O,2)
10150 I=0
10160 repeat
10170 repeat
10180 X=fnLrand(N)
10190 until X>1
10200 J=0
10210 Y=modpow(X,Q,N)
10220 loop
10230 if or{and{J=0,Y=1},Y=N-1} then goto *ProbPrime
10240 if and{J>0,Y=1} then goto *NotPrime
10250 J=J+1
10260 if J=K then goto *NotPrime
10270 Y=(Y*Y)@N
10280 endloop
10290 *ProbPrime
10300 I=I+1
10310 until I>50
10320 Ans=1
10330 goto *EndPrime
10340 *NotPrime
10350 Ans=0
10360 *EndPrime
10370 return(Ans)
10380 '
10400 fnLrand(N)
10410 local R
10415 N=int(N)
10420 R=(int(rnd*10^(alen(N)+2)))@N
10430 return(R)
But to get the actual prime factors took several hours of processing:
57646075230342349 factors into primes 107367629 * 536903681
known through several hours of running
4 loop
5 input Num
10 S$="":N=abs(Num)
20 if N>0 then Limit=sqrt(N):else Limit=0
30 if Limit<>int(Limit) then Limit=int(Limit+1)
40 Dv=2:gosub *DivideIt
50 Dv=3:gosub *DivideIt
60 Dv=5:gosub *DivideIt
70 Dv=7
80 loop
90 if Dv>Limit then goto *Afterloop
100 gosub *DivideIt:Dv=Dv+4 '11
110 gosub *DivideIt:Dv=Dv+2 '13
120 gosub *DivideIt:Dv=Dv+4 '17
130 gosub *DivideIt:Dv=Dv+2 '19
140 gosub *DivideIt:Dv=Dv+4 '23
150 gosub *DivideIt:Dv=Dv+6 '29
160 gosub *DivideIt:Dv=Dv+2 '31
170 gosub *DivideIt:Dv=Dv+6 '37
180 if inkey=chr(27) then S$=chr(27):end
190 endloop
200 *Afterloop
210 if N>1 then S$=S$+str(N)
220 print S$
230 endloop
250 *DivideIt
260 loop
270 Q=int(N/Dv)
280 if Q*Dv=N and N>0 then
290 :N=Q:S$=S$+str(Dv)
300 :if N>0 then Limit=sqrt(N):else Limit=0:endif
310 :if Limit<>int(Limit) then Limit=int(Limit+1):endif
320 :else
330 :goto *Afterdo
340 :endif
350 endloop
360 *Afterdo
370 return
Should have looked it up on WIMS Factoris and saved a lot of time.
Posted by Charlie
on 2007-04-10 16:58:44 |