Determine all positive whole numbers w such that d(w) = √w, where d(w) denotes the number of positive divisors of w.
5 dim FctCt(33)
10 for N=1 to 1000000
20 X=N
25 FacNo=0:PrevFctr=0
30 repeat
40 Pfctr=prmdiv(X):X=X//Pfctr
50 if Pfctr=PrevFctr then
60 :FctCt(FacNo)=FctCt(FacNo)+1
70 :else
80 :FacNo=FacNo+1
90 :FctCt(FacNo)=1
95 PrevFctr=Pfctr
100 until Pfctr=1
110 NDivsr=1
120 for I=1 to FacNo
130 NDivsr=NDivsr*(FctCt(I)+1)
140 next
145 NDivsr=NDivsr//2
150 if NDivsr*NDivsr=N then print N,NDivsr
200 next
finds only 1 and 9, where 1 has only 1 divisor, itself, and 9 has 3 divisors: 1, 3 and 9.
The program did check all numbers up to 1,000,000.
What's needed is a proof that above some value there, the number of divisors will always be below the square root of the number.
Posted by Charlie
on 2007-07-13 11:14:19 |