If we assume that 11 meters = 12 yards, what is the smallest integral number of meters that can be converted to its equivalent integral number of yards simply by rearranging the order of the digits of the number?
What if we do the same with the actual exact equivalents?: 1143 meters = 1250 yards.
Then try your hand at 228 solar months = 235 lunar months (the 19-year Metonic cycle).
(In reply to
re: Improvement on brute force? by Leming)
Before publication I wondered about whether Charlie meant that 'xyz......' metres should be an integer value of 'Y' yards but 'yzx.....' [or for any matter, any combination of those] should also be 'X' yards.
I saw such occurrences in my spreadsheet but did not see the significance of '9' but none yielded transposed digits - length of sheet.
Did consider a QBas attempt; don't have the time or experience of Charlie to presumably "string" a number and then manipulate its digits to other place values, which appears to be somewhat formidable, and more worthy of D3.
Posted by brianjn
on 2007-10-05 10:26:41 |