What are all the ordered triples of positive integers (x,y,z) with x<y<z, such that their product is four times their sum?
For x = 1;
yz - 4y - 4z = 4 or (y - 4)(z - 4) = 20, giving (1,5,24), (1,6,14), (1,8,9) as solutions.
For x = 2;
yz - 2y - 2z = 4 or (y - 2)(z - 2) = 8, giving (2,3,10), (2,4,6) as solutions.
Now x = (4y + 4z)/(yz - 4).
For x>=3
3yz - 12 <= 4y + 4z
9yz - 12y - 12z <=36
(3y - 4)(3z - 4) <= 52
(3y - 4)^2 <= 52
3y - 4 <= 7
y <= 3
This last contradicts the conditions of the problem, so all solutions have been found.
Posted by xdog
on 2007-11-24 13:22:23 |