In Calendar cubes pt 2 You figured out how many months you could fit on two cubes.
Now in calendar cubes pt 3 you must figure out how many days of the year you can fit on two cubes. E.G one cube says mar(for march) and another says 5. so you could make the date march 5 and that would count as one date.
To represent months you may use
a) the first letter of that month
b) the first and second letter of that month
c) the first three letters of that months. So for january you could use either j, ja or jan to represent that month.
Also no two letters or letter combinations can represent the same month. So j cannot stand for june and july, but you can have j stand for june and ju stand for july. Also note that one month symbol (lets say au for august) can be on 1 face of 1 cube.