Each of the letters represent a different digit from 0 to 9 in the following alphanumeric subtraction problem:
What is the word representing 3651? How about 15631?
Note: Neither S nor C can be 0.
(In reply to
Solution with Comments by ed bottemiller)
Thanks EB.
Of course, both you and AT are perfectly correct about your
respective assertions about 3651 corresponding to PETS, and
l5631 corresponding to STEPS.
DM's submission serves as a very nice way for an extension to this problem, which is in conformity with the fundamental tenets governing the given puzzle.
The current problem was inspired by an earlier problem entitled
"Different Digits". Reference:
The subsequent solution to this earlier problem was arrived at by using analytic proceedures (without using computer programs), in:
Accordingly, I am working on an analytic methodology to the given problem (which is similar to the solution to the earlier puzzle), and will post the official solution as and when it is completed.
K Sengupta
Edited on March 11, 2008, 11:19 am