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Squares on Cubes (Posted on 2008-04-30) Difficulty: 3 of 5
I applied one of the digits 1 through 9 to each cell of the provided net of a cube.
My object was to create a unique 4 digit square number on each face. At the same time I required each vertex to be a 3 digit square. I failed in that objective!
I have 6 unique 4 digit squares but I have duplicated just one of my vertices.

To emulate my "feat":
- a [Magenta] Magenta cell is both the first digit of a 3 and 4 digit square
- an [Orange] Orange cell signifies the first digit of only a 4 digit square, while
- a [Cyan] Cyan cell signifies the first cell only of a 3 digit square.

The digits must be applied to each face by rotation, the direction is defined by need. "A" through "F" represent the 6 faces of the cube while "a" through "h" represent the vertices of the cube when fully assembled.
Note: Within the range allowed several squares utilise the same digits, and this is allowed by virtue of the commencement cell.
But then, there is still the challenge for 6 unique faces and 8 unique vertices.

See The Solution Submitted by brianjn    
Rating: 3.0000 (1 votes)

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Clarifications?? | Comment 1 of 21

I understand your diagram folds into a cube, which has six faces, each of which shows a 2x2 square, hence there are 24 small squares, each of which contains a digit 1..9 (no zero squares).  The four digits on each face are to be read as a 4-digit number, and the three digits at each vertex are to be read as a 3-digit number.


However, the later clues (?) do not make clear how the 2x2 digits are to be read as a 4-digit, or the 3 at each of the eight vertices as a 3-digit, number.  I make no sense of the statements "The digits must be applied to each face by rotation; the direction is defined by need." or "Within the range allowed several squares utilize the same digits, and this is allowed by virtue of the commencement cell."  If there are 24 squares to be marked, and only 9 markers, obviously the same marker may appear more than once.  Are your letters A..F supposed to indicate the "commencement" of a 4-digit number on each of the faces, and some convention (clockwise or reverse) to proceed??


Perhaps this puzzle is part of a series or a morphology assumed, but is not clear on its face.  I certainly hope that the author tried this out on some, who found a clear statement.

  Posted by ed bottemiller on 2008-04-30 11:27:19
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