Three people,
B and
C, (each one of whom is either a Liar or a Knight) are brought before a tribunal for a crime that was commited.
The court records have since been partially lost, and it is only known that A testified that C was the guilty one. The testimony of the other people is unavailable.
It is known that as the court found that only one of the people turned out to be a Knight, but that he was also the one guilty of the crime.
Who was it?
(In reply to
Answer by K Sengupta)
Assume that A is guilty. If so, then A would admit his guilt since it is known that the guilty individual is a Knight. However, A testified that someone else committed the crime. This is a contradiction.
Accordingly, A is innocent and therefore his statement about C being guilty must be false, so that C is also innocent.
This leaves B as the knight and the guilty individual.