1) a^2+b^2=c^2
substituting a=nx b=n(x+1) and c=ny into 1 we get
n^2x^2+n^2(x+1)^2=n^2y^2 we can divide the n^2 out and get
now since a and c are 3 digits for n=1 then x,y must also both be 3 digits thus we are looking for a pythagorean triple of the form (x,x+1,y) with all 3 values having 3 digits. Using mathematica I found only 2 such triples which gives us either x=119 y=169 or x=696 y=985
we can throw out the second triple because it would cause A to be 4 digits for n=2 thus we have x=119 y=169 which gives us the 5 triples
Posted by Daniel
on 2008-05-08 22:11:51 |