You are given 10 cell phones and 10 cell numbers(each number corresponds to one of each of those 10 cell phones), but you don't know which number corresponds to which cell phone. Your task is to label each cell phone with its corresponding number. Using optimal procedures, what is the probability that you will finish the task in exactly 5 attempts?
A single attempt is defined as calling a number from a cell phone.
Hint: The caller's number will be displayed in the cell that is being called.
(In reply to
Solution? by Josie Faulkner)
I think you missed the fact that you might be calling the same cell phone you are using.
If we add this to your approach we get the following:
Chance of callig different cell phone (not the one you are dialing from)
Call #1 = 9/10
Call#2 = 7/8
Call#3 = 5/6
Call#4 = 3/4
Call#5 = 1/2
9/10*7/8*5/6*3/4*1/2 = 0,2461...
Guess this is it.
Posted by Fernando
on 2008-06-11 18:09:46 |