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Water at 76º C (Posted on 2008-06-17) Difficulty: 2 of 5
You only have these three containers, all irregular in their shape (though it doesn´t appear in the simplified drawing below), with no marks in them, and all that you know is the capacity of each one.

The 3-liter is empty, the 5-liter is full of 50ºC water, and the 6-liter is full of 90ºC water.

                      |/////|     |/////|
                      |/////|     |/90º/|
          |     |     |/50º/|     |/////|
          |     |     |/////|     |/////|
          |     |     |/////|     |/////|
          +-----+     +-----+     +-----+
           3-lit       5-lit       6-lit
With a succession of moves, how do you get some water at 76ºC? At 75ºC?

How many different integral temperatures, from 50ºC to 90ºC, can you get?

See The Solution Submitted by pcbouhid    
Rating: 4.0000 (2 votes)

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Solution Step Details for 75 and 76 Comment 5 of 5 |
from    to    V  T    V  T    V  T
3        1    3 90    5 50    3 90
2        3    3 90    2 50    6 70
2        0    3 90    0 50    6 70
3        2    3 90    5 70    1 70
1        3    0 90    5 70    4 85
2        3    0 90    3 70    6 80
3        1    3 80    3 70    3 80
2        3    3 80    0 70    6 75
from    to    V  T    V  T    V  T
3        1    3 90    5 50    3 90
2        3    3 90    2 50    6 70
3        2    3 90    5 62    3 70
3        0    3 90    5 62    0 70
1        3    0 90    5 62    3 90
2        3    0 90    2 62    6 76

DECLARE SUB choose ()
CLEAR , , 26000
DIM SHARED cap(3), vol(3), temp(3), lvl
DIM SHARED hBestCt(51 TO 89)
DIM SHARED hBestS(51 TO 89, 20)
DIM SHARED hBestR(51 TO 89, 20)
DIM SHARED hBestV(51 TO 89, 20, 3)
DIM SHARED hBestT(51 TO 89, 20, 3)

cap(1) = 3: vol(1) = 0: temp(1) = 0
cap(2) = 5: vol(2) = 5: temp(2) = 50
cap(3) = 6: vol(3) = 6: temp(3) = 90

lvl = 0

DIM SHARED hSend(20), hRcv(20), hVol(20, 3), hTemp(20, 3)

OPEN "water76.txt" FOR OUTPUT AS #2


FOR i = 51 TO 89
  IF hBestCt(i) > 0 THEN
    FOR j = 0 TO hBestCt(i) - 1
       PRINT USING "# # / "; hBestS(i, j); hBestR(i, j);
    PRINT i
FOR t = 75 TO 76
  FOR st = 0 TO hBestCt(t) - 1
    PRINT USING "#        #   "; hBestS(t, st); hBestR(t, st);
    FOR i = 1 TO 3
     PRINT USING "## ##   "; hBestV(t, st, i); hBestT(t, st, i);


SUB choose
 FOR s = 1 TO 3
  FOR r = 1 TO 3
   IF r <> s THEN
     hSend(lvl) = s: hRcv(lvl) = r
     IF vol(s) > 0 AND vol(r) < cap(r) THEN
       amt = vol(s)
       IF amt > cap(r) - vol(r) THEN amt = cap(r) - vol(r)
       vol(s) = vol(s) - amt
       tempSave = temp(r)
       temp(r) = (temp(r) * vol(r) + temp(s) * amt) / (vol(r) + amt)
       vol(r) = vol(r) + amt
       FOR i = 1 TO 3
        hVol(lvl, i) = vol(i)
        hTemp(lvl, i) = temp(i)

       IF temp(r) - INT(temp(r)) > .9999999000000001# OR temp(r) - INT(temp(r)) < .0000001# AND temp(r) > 50.5 AND temp(r) < 89.5 THEN
         temp(r) = INT(temp(r) + .5)
         FOR i = 0 TO lvl
           PRINT #2, USING "# # / "; hSend(i); hRcv(i);
         PRINT #2, temp(r)
         IF lvl < hBestCt(temp(r)) OR hBestCt(temp(r)) = 0 THEN
           hBestCt(temp(r)) = lvl + 1
           FOR i = 0 TO lvl
            hBestS(temp(r), i) = hSend(i)
            hBestR(temp(r), i) = hRcv(i)
            FOR j = 1 TO 3
             hBestV(temp(r), i, j) = hVol(i, j)
             hBestT(temp(r), i, j) = hTemp(i, j)
         END IF
       END IF

       lvl = lvl + 1
         IF lvl < 11 THEN
         END IF
       lvl = lvl - 1

       vol(s) = vol(s) + amt
       temp(r) = tempSave
       vol(r) = vol(r) - amt
     END IF
 FOR s = 1 TO 3
   IF vol(s) > 0 THEN
     volSave = vol(s)
     vol(s) = 0
     hSend(lvl) = s: hRcv(lvl) = 0
     FOR j = 1 TO 3
       hVol(lvl, j) = vol(j)
       hTemp(lvl, j) = temp(j)
     lvl = lvl + 1
       IF lvl < 10 THEN
       END IF
     lvl = lvl - 1
     vol(s) = volSave


  Posted by Charlie on 2008-06-18 11:05:44
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