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A billiard challenge (Posted on 2008-06-23) Difficulty: 2 of 5
My goal is to pot balls A and B into the pockets numbered 1 and 2 in the billiard table below (diagram at left), using the cue ball O with only two strikes in it.

To do this, my first shot is to strike the cue ball to the point "d"; the cue ball mirror-reflects to the point "f" and strikes the ball B, which falls into pocket 1. The cue ball is now in the position of the potted ball B (diagram at right).

Next, to pot ball A, I strike the cue ball to the point "l". The cue ball mirror-reflects to the point "o", strikes the ball A that mirror-reflects in the point "b" and is potted in pocket 2.

         a   b   c   d   e                a   b   c   d   e
     +---+---+---+---+---+---+        +---+---+---+---+---+---+
     |   |   |   |   |   |   |        |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   p +---A---O---+---+---+---+ f    p +---A---+---+---+---+---+ f
     |   |   |   |   |   |   |        |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   o +---+---+---+---B---+---+ g    o +---+---+---+---O---+---+ g
     |   |   |   |   |   |   |        |   |   |   |   |   |   |
   n +---+---+---+---+---+---+ h    n +---+---+---+---+---+---+ h
     |   |   |   |   |   |   |        |   |   |   |   |   |   |
     1---+---+---+---+---+---2        1---+---+---+---+---+---2
         m   l   k   j   i                m   l   k   j   i               
How must you proceed to pot the balls A, B, C, and D, each one in each of the 4 pockets shown (1-2-3-4), with 4 strikes in the cue ball?
                       a   b   c   d   e       
                   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
                 p +---+---+---A---B---O---+ f 
                   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
                 o +---+---C---+---+---+---+ g
                   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
                 n +---+---+---+---D---+---+ h
                   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
                       m   l       j   i     
The balls A, B, C and D may never touch each other, and the order of potting the balls and where is up to you. And, in your shots, you can only strike the cue ball to another ball or to the points marked in the table.

See The Solution Submitted by pcbouhid    
Rating: 3.5000 (4 votes)

Comments: ( Back to comment list | You must be logged in to post comments.)
Solution computer solution: 8 ways Comment 4 of 4 |

There are 8 ways of doing this. Each row below represents one of the ways. Within each row there are four groups of three characters. Within each of the groups, the first represents the direction the cue ball is aimed: a-p (edge spots) or A-D (balls). The second character is the ball that is struck and sunk. The third character is the pocket in which it's sunk.

aA3 dC1 BB2 bD4
aA3 dC1 DD4 lB2
cA3 dC1 BB2 bD4
cA3 dC1 DD4 lB2
lA4 dC1 BB2 cD3
lA4 dC1 BB2 eD3
lA4 dC1 BB2 hD3
lA4 dC1 BB2 mD3

Praneeth's solution is the 6th one listed above.

Dej Mar's two solutions are the 7th and 4th ones above.

DECLARE FUNCTION gcd! (x!, y!)
DIM SHARED grid$(4, 6), p$(4, 6), lvl, h$(4)

DIM SHARED edgeX(15), edgeY(15), edgeName$(15)


DATA a,0,1
DATA b,0,2
DATA c,0,3
DATA d,0,4
DATA e,0,5
DATA f,1,6
DATA g,2,6
DATA h,3,6
DATA i,4,5
DATA j,4,4
DATA l,4,2
DATA m,4,1
DATA n,3,0
DATA o,2,0
DATA p,1,0

FOR i = 1 TO 15
 READ edgeName$(i), edgeY(i), edgeX(i)

DIM SHARED pockX(4), pockY(4)
DATA 0,0, 0,6, 4,3, 4,6
FOR i = 1 TO 4
 READ pockY(i), pockX(i)
 p$(pockY(i), pockX(i)) = LTRIM$(STR$(i))

DIM SHARED ballX(4), ballY(4), cueX, cueY

DATA 1,3, 1,4, 2,2, 3,4

FOR i = 1 TO 4
 READ ballY(i), ballX(i)
 grid$(ballY(i), ballX(i)) = MID$("ABCD", i, 1)

cueX = 5: cueY = 1
grid$(cueY, cueX) = "O"

lvl = 1



FUNCTION gcd (x, y)
 IF x = 0 THEN gcd = ABS(y): EXIT FUNCTION
 IF y = 0 THEN gcd = ABS(x): EXIT FUNCTION
 num = ABS(x): den = ABS(y)
 rmnd = num - den * (num \ den)
 IF rmnd = 0 THEN
   gcd = den: EXIT FUNCTION
 num = den: den = rmnd

SUB try
 FOR i = 1 TO 15
 dx = edgeX(i) - cueX: dy = edgeY(i) - cueY
 g = gcd(dx, dy)
 dx = dx / g: dy = dy / g
 saveDX = dx: saveDY = dy
 x = cueX: y = cueY
 foundX = 0: foundY = 0
 good = 1
  x = x + dx: y = y + dy
  IF x <= 0 THEN x = ABS(x): dx = -dx
  IF y <= 0 THEN y = ABS(y): dy = -dy
  IF x >= 6 THEN x = 6 - (x - 6): dx = -dx
  IF y >= 4 THEN y = 4 - (y - 4): dy = -dy
  IF y = 0 AND (x = 0 OR x = 6) OR y = 4 AND (x = 3 OR x = 6) THEN
   IF grid$(y, x) > "" THEN good = 0: EXIT DO
   IF foundX = 0 AND foundY = 0 THEN good = 0: EXIT DO
   grid$(y, x) = grid$(foundY, foundX)
   grid$(foundY, foundX) = "O"
   grid$(cueY, cueX) = ""
   saveCueX = cueX: saveCueY = cueY
   cueX = foundX: cueY = foundY
   ballNo = INSTR("ABCD", grid$(y, x))
   ballX(ballNo) = -x: ballY(ballNo) = -y
   IF grid$(y, x) > "" THEN
    IF foundX OR foundY THEN good = 0: EXIT DO
    IF grid$(y, x) = "O" AND dx = saveDX AND dy = saveDY THEN good = 0: EXIT DO
    IF grid$(y, x) <> "O" THEN foundX = x: foundY = y

 IF good THEN
  h$(lvl) = edgeName$(i) + grid$(y, x) + p$(y, x) + " "
  IF lvl = 4 THEN
   FOR hSub = 1 TO 4
    PRINT h$(hSub);
   lvl = lvl + 1
   lvl = lvl - 1
  grid$(foundY, foundX) = grid$(y, x)
  grid$(y, x) = ""
  ballX(ballNo) = foundX: ballY(ballNo) = foundY
  cueX = saveCueX: cueY = saveCueY
  grid$(cueY, cueX) = "O"


 FOR i = 1 TO 4
 IF ballX(i) > 0 AND ballY(i) > 0 THEN
    dx = ballX(i) - cueX: dy = ballY(i) - cueY
    g = gcd(dx, dy)
    dx = dx / g: dy = dy / g
    saveDX = dx: saveDY = dy
    x = cueX: y = cueY
    foundX = 0: foundY = 0
    good = 1
     x = x + dx: y = y + dy
     IF x <= 0 THEN x = ABS(x): dx = -dx
     IF y <= 0 THEN y = ABS(y): dy = -dy
     IF x >= 6 THEN x = 6 - (x - 6): dx = -dx
     IF y >= 4 THEN y = 4 - (y - 4): dy = -dy
     IF y = 0 AND (x = 0 OR x = 6) OR y = 4 AND (x = 3 OR x = 6) THEN
       IF grid$(y, x) > "" THEN good = 0: EXIT DO
       IF foundX = 0 AND foundY = 0 THEN good = 0: EXIT DO
       grid$(y, x) = grid$(foundY, foundX)
       grid$(foundY, foundX) = "O"
       grid$(cueY, cueX) = ""
       saveCueX = cueX: saveCueY = cueY
       cueX = foundX: cueY = foundY
       ballNo = INSTR("ABCD", grid$(y, x))
       ballX(ballNo) = x: ballY(ballNo) = y
       EXIT DO
       IF grid$(y, x) > "" THEN
         IF foundX OR foundY THEN good = 0: EXIT DO
         IF grid$(y, x) = "O" AND dx = saveDX AND dy = saveDY THEN good = 0: EXIT DO
         IF grid$(y, x) <> "O" THEN foundX = x: foundY = y
       END IF
     END IF

    IF good THEN
      h$(lvl) = MID$("ABCD", i, 1) + grid$(y, x) + p$(y, x) + " "
      IF lvl = 4 THEN
       FOR hSub = 1 TO 4
        PRINT h$(hSub);
       PRINT : PRINT
        lvl = lvl + 1
        lvl = lvl - 1
      END IF
      grid$(foundY, foundX) = grid$(y, x)
      grid$(y, x) = ""
      ballX(ballNo) = foundX: ballY(ballNo) = foundY
      cueX = saveCueX: cueY = saveCueY
      grid$(cueY, cueX) = "O"
    END IF



  Posted by Charlie on 2008-06-23 15:49:43
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