There are 43 3-digit prime numbers which, when reversed, also yield a prime number. (Eight of these are actually consecutive primes).
Of the 43, 15 are simply palindromes (e.g. 929), but of the remaining 14 pairs of numbers (called '
emirp's), one pair in particular exhibits two unique characteristics, one of which is rather surprising.
What are the numbers, and what are their unique characteristics?
(In reply to
re(4): here are the pairs - thx Charlie by rod hines)
Revisiting Excel shows me that 701 + 107 = 808 and 311 + 113 = 424, both palidromic in totals.
But if subtraction is anything to be gained then 733 - 337 = 396, but then too does 743 - 347!
If Charlie's LEE and EEL is one unique characteristic, then having 3 digits being multiples of 3 is obviously not the other. BTW, I am assuming that the "interesting pattern" in the comment to which I am responding is the digital sum of 18 for the subtractions I note in my spreadsheet.
No, no further joy :-(
Posted by brianjn
on 2009-01-12 22:41:08 |