The following is a simple set-up for the familiar Knight's Tour puzzle, in this case on a 5x5 chess board only, with the start/finish positions as indicated:
One day, being rather jealous of all the attention the Knight gets with these kind of tours, the Knave loudly proclaimed that he too could complete this same tour board. But of course, as with Liars and Knights puzzles, the Knave will alternate between Knightly moves (the standard chess move) and Liar's moves (2 squares up, down, left, or right, starting and ending on the same color).
Could the Knave complete the tour where he initially starts with a Knightly move? How about starting with a Liar's move? (There may be more than one solution.)
Dim x, y, h$, b$(5, 5), hx(25), hy(25), hdx(25), hdy(25), mSize
Dim max, maxH$
Private Sub Form_Load()
For r = 1 To 5: For c = 1 To 5
b$(r, c) = Mid$("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", r * 5 + c - 5, 1)
Print b$(r, c);
Next: Print: Next
Print CurDir
Open "knaves tour.txt" For Output As #2
x = 3: y = 3: h$ = "m": hx(1) = 3: hy(1) = 3
hdx(1) = 0: hdy(1) = 0
Me.Visible = True
mSize = 3: moveIt
End Sub
Sub moveIt()
mNo = Len(h$)
For dx0 = -2 To 2 Step 2
For dy0 = -2 To 2 Step 2
If (dx0 <> 0 Or dy0 <> 0) And (dx0 = 0 Or dy0 = 0) Then
If mSize = 2 Then
dx1 = dx0: dx2 = dx0: dy1 = dy0: dy2 = dy0
If dx0 = 0 Then
dy1 = dy0: dy2 = dy0: dx1 = -1: dx2 = 1
dx1 = dx0: dx2 = dx0: dy1 = -1: dy2 = 1
End If
End If
For dx = dx1 To dx2 Step 2
For dy = dy1 To dy2 Step 2
newX = hx(mNo) + dx: newY = hy(mNo) + dy
If newX > 0 And newX <= 5 And newY > 0 And newY <= 5 Then
If InStr(h$, b$(newY, newX)) = 0 Then
mNo = mNo + 1
mSize = 5 - mSize
h$ = h$ + b$(newY, newX)
hx(mNo) = newX: hy(mNo) = newY
hdx(mNo) = dx: hdy(mNo) = dy
If b$(newY, newX) = "u" And Len(h$) > 20 Then
Text1.Text = h$
If Len(h$) > max Or Len(h$) = 25 Then
max = Len(h$): maxH$ = h$
Print h$; Len(h$), max; maxH$
Print #2, h$; Len(h$), max; maxH$
End If
End If
h$ = Left$(h$, Len(h$) - 1)
mSize = 5 - mSize
mNo = mNo - 1
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
The mSize = 3 starts it off with a knight's move; mSize = 2 would start it off with a liar's move.
Posted by Charlie
on 2009-01-23 21:42:06 |