Find the smallest number that can be expressed as the sum of two (nonzero) perfect squares in two different ways.
And what if the two perfect squares must be nonzero, positive, and different?
(In reply to
solution and bonus answer by Dej Mar)
The smallest number that can be expressed as the sum of two (non-zero) perfect squares in three different ways is
325: 12 + 182, 62 + 172 and 102 + 152.
50 1 49 25 25
65 1 64 16 49
85 4 81 36 49
125 4 121 25 100
130 9 121 49 81
145 1 144 64 81
170 1 169 49 121
185 16 169 64 121
200 4 196 100 100
205 9 196 36 169
221 25 196 100 121
250 25 225 81 169
260 4 256 64 196
265 9 256 121 144
290 1 289 121 169
305 16 289 49 256
325 1 324 36 289 100 225
338 49 289 169 169
340 16 324 144 196
365 4 361 169 196
370 9 361 81 289
377 16 361 121 256
410 49 361 121 289
425 25 400 64 361 169 256
442 1 441 81 361
445 4 441 121 324
450 9 441 225 225
481 81 400 225 256
485 1 484 196 289
493 9 484 169 324
500 16 484 100 400
FOR n = 1 TO 500
ways = 0
FOR i = 1 TO SQR(n / 2) + 1
part1 = i * i
part2 = n - part1
IF part2 >= part1 THEN
sr = INT(SQR(part2) + .5)
IF sr * sr = part2 THEN
ways = ways + 1
hold1(ways) = part1
hold2(ways) = part2
IF ways > 1 THEN
FOR i = 1 TO ways
PRINT hold1(i); hold2(i),
Posted by Charlie
on 2009-01-26 18:12:02 |