10 P0=3
20 repeat
30 P1=P0+6
31 P2=P1+6
32 P3=P2+6
40 if prmdiv(P1)=P1 and prmdiv(P2)=P2 and prmdiv(P3)=P3 then
50 :T=2*(P0+P1+P2+P3)
60 :Sr=int(sqrt(T)+0.5)
70 :if Sr*Sr=T then
80 :print P0;P1;P2;P3,T
90 P0=nxtprm(P0)
100 until P0>1000000
41 47 53 59 400
being the values of A, B, C, D and S, with the latter being twice the total of A+B+C+D. W, X, Y and Z are then the pairwise totals, 88, 100, 112 and 100.
Posted by Charlie
on 2009-08-23 19:49:40 |