The greatest common divisor of five positive integers ABCD, 1920CD41, 496BC3, 872AB76 and 10A25D8 is ≥ 2, where each of A, B, C and D represents a different base 10 digit from 0 to 9.
Determine all possible quadruplet(s) (A, B, C, D) that satisfy the given conditions.
Given the five values have the same common factor, any integral combination must also have that factor.
1920CD41 + 100*872AB76 - 100*ABCD =
- ABCD00
10A25D8 + 10*496BC3 - 10*ABCD
GCD(891207641, 5962538) = 2131 (prime)
ABCD must be a multiple of 2131: 2131, 4262, 6393, or 8524 Plugging values into the four larger numbers leaves one solution: ABCD=8524