A deck of M cards is numbered 1 to M and shuffled, and dealt from top to bottom.
Denoting the probability of dealing at least one pair of successive cards in their proper order (that is, a 1 followed by a 2 or, a 2 followed by a 3, and so on) at any position in the deck by s(M), determine s(M) as M → ∞ (The pairs may overlap. For example, for M=5, we have two successive pairs corresponding to 73452.)
As a bonus, what is the expected number of such successive pairs in an M card deck as a function of M?
(In reply to
re(2): Recursive two-way formula. Fixed. by Charlie)
10 dim C(101)
20 C(0)=1:C(1)=0
30 for M=2 to 10
40 for N=0 to M-1
45 NewA=NewB:NewB=NewC
50 if N=0 then
60 :NewC=(M-N-1)*C(N)+(N+1)*C(N+1)
70 :else
80 :NewC=C(N-1)+(M-N-1)*C(N)+(N+1)*C(N+1)
90 if N>1 then C(N-2)=NewA
100 next N
110 C(M-1-1)=NewB
120 C(M-1)=NewC
130 for I=0 to 5:print C(I);:next:print
140 next M
1 1 0 0 0 0
3 2 1 0 0 0
11 9 3 1 0 0
53 44 18 4 1 0
309 265 110 30 5 1
2119 1854 795 220 45 6
16687 14833 6489 1855 385 63
148329 133496 59332 17304 3710 616
1468457 1334961 600732 177996 38934 6678
in agreement with preceding results. So to concentrate on c(m,0),
10 dim C(101)
20 C(0)=1:C(1)=0
30 for M=2 to 100
40 for N=0 to M-1
45 NewA=NewB:NewB=NewC
50 if N=0 then
60 :NewC=(M-N-1)*C(N)+(N+1)*C(N+1)
70 :else
80 :NewC=C(N-1)+(M-N-1)*C(N)+(N+1)*C(N+1)
90 if N>1 then C(N-2)=NewA
100 next N
110 C(M-1-1)=NewB
120 C(M-1)=NewC
130 print M,C(0)
140 next M
produces as its last line:
100 34676123944005442812847937302043903452689441643429542833378834285512032
going to 190:
190 35799348103223117566105084598765100341973213200908910180351509436968639
Posted by Charlie
on 2009-12-18 13:44:32 |