Replace the numerals 1 through 8 with ever increasing prime numbers, always using the next lowest possible that is available
1 to fulfill the criteria on the left. Then do the same for the right.
Present a series for the left, and one for the right.
7 + 8 = Square
6 = Prime
4 + 5 = Square
1 + 2 + 3 = Square
7 + 8 = Cube
6 = Prime
4 + 5 = Cube
1 + 2 + 3 = Cube
If it was required that the Right set required "1" to be the next Prime following on after that used for the "8" in the Left set, what might the Right set read, if indeed it is possible?
"always using the next lowest possible that is available" means that if it is next on the list it cannot be dismissed unless it is
the last of a group of two or three and will not fulfill the criterion. Only then may you advance to the next.
(In reply to
computer solution by Charlie)
I devised this using only Excel and a downloaded list of Primes (I had to use Excel to test for 5-digit values however).
I had expected that this would be solved only by related means. I'd often said to my colleagues during my employment phase "if the mind can visualise something that is 'concretely' possible then a computer can be made to perform that task".
Truly I didn't expect that you'd so challenge yourself!
Posted by brianjn
on 2010-01-06 22:22:29 |