Today is Saturday. For the last 5 days,
Monday to Friday, the temperatures were rising, i.e. each day was hotter than the previous one.
The product of the 5 values (Centigrade degrees, rounded to the closest integer) is 12.
What are the five temperatures?
(In reply to
Indecision by brianjn)
I agree that the way my puzzle is worded ambiguity prevails.
It might be better to say:…".the temperatures, all integer values, were rising - each day being hotter than the previous one. Given the product of the 5 values
was 12 "….etc
Then we get only one valid answer.
If one assumes that the product was rounded - then there is an infinite number of possibilities
e.g. 0.8, 0.9, 0.95, 1.75, 9.95. In fact, any a,b,c,d,e,,,,(a<b<c<d<e , e=12/abcd) within a reasonable
range of temperatures satisfies the conditions .
On the other hand, we would not have a "conversation starter" - a process generally enhancing creative thinking.
BTW- it is not necessarily Centigrade.
Edited on February 9, 2010, 4:59 am