Make a list of the respective minimum values of a positive base N integer, constituted entirely by threes and zeroes, which is divisible by the base ten number 52032 whenever N is a positive integer with 6 ≤ N ≤ 16.
What are the respective smallest number and the largest number in this list?
20 for N=6 to 16
30 V=0
40 for Mult=1 to 10000000
50 V=V+52032
60 Num=V
70 Ns$=""
80 while Num>0
90 Ns$=mid("0123456789ABCDEFGH",(Num @ N)+1,1)+Ns$
100 Num=Num\N
110 wend
120 Good=1
130 for I=1 to len(Ns$)
140 if instr("30",mid(Ns$,I,1))=0 then Good=0:cancel for:goto 160
150 next
160 if Good then:
170 :print N,Mult;V;Ns$
175 :cancel for:goto 200
180 :endif
190 next
200 next
6 753057 39183061824 30000033000000
8 503143 26179536576 303033003300
10 640625 33333000000 33333000000
that is:
base multiple representation
N of 52032 base-10 base-N
6 753057 39183061824 30000033000000
8 503143 26179536576 303033003300
10 640625 33333000000 33333000000
Other bases didn't show results, but there may be for higher multiples of 52032 than the 10,000,000 allowed for here.
Posted by Charlie
on 2010-03-17 12:41:54 |