Take some point V and draw two rays from it. Choose some other point W in between those two rays. Then, construct a line that touches both rays and passes through W.
Now, this line forms a closed triangle together with the two rays. The point W divides this line into two segments (x1, x2). What is the ratio of these two segments such that the area of the enclosed triangle is minimal?
Does this minimal area even exist?
(In reply to
Thoughts by Bractals)
I don't know how to phrase this properly but I did slightly 'chide' at review by you posting a very short and concise solution over there.
I think its succintness deserves to be aired over here if you still have it available; within one line that overall expression, within my understanding, said pretty much what respondents have said.
Now, last paragraph?
Why not propose such a problem and I can make that exact diagram available if you wish.
Posted by brianjn
on 2010-03-30 09:33:18 |