We roll five standard dice (sides numbered 1 to 6) and write down the sum of the top three i.e. of the 3 highest values.
What is the probability to get 15 ?
The following program examines each possible combination of numbers of the various numbers of pips, using each one's probability to add to the corresponding total's probability of occurring:
100 Ndice=5:Ntop=3
110 Remaining=Ndice:CurrProb=1
120 dim TProb(Ndice*6)
130 dim Hist(6)
150 gosub *SetQuant(6)
160 for I=1 to Ndice*6
170 CProb=CProb+TProb(I)
180 print I,TProb(I),CProb/1,1-CProb/1
190 next I
210 end
1100 *SetQuant(Den)
1110 local Nbr,P,Strt
1120 if Den=1 then Strt=Remaining:else Strt=0
1130 for Nbr=Strt to Remaining
1135 if Den=1 then
1136 :P=1
1137 :else
1140 :P=(1//Den)^Nbr*((Den-1)//Den)^(Remaining-Nbr)*combi(Remaining,Nbr)
1160 CurrProb=CurrProb*P
1170 Remaining=Remaining-Nbr
1180 Hist(Den)=Nbr
1200 if Remaining=0 then
1210 :gosub *CountIt(Den)
1220 :else
1230 :gosub *SetQuant(Den-1)
1250 Remaining=Remaining+Nbr
1260 CurrProb=CurrProb//P
1270 next Nbr
1280 return
2100 *CountIt(D)
2110 local Pips,Totv,Totn
2120 for Pips=6 to D step -1
2130 if Hist(Pips)>=Ntop-Totn then
2140 :Totv=Totv+Pips*(Ntop-Totn)
2150 :Totn=Ntop
2160 :else
2170 :Totv=Totv+Pips*Hist(Pips)
2180 :Totn=Totn+Hist(Pips)
2190 next Pips
2200 TProb(Totv)=TProb(Totv)+CurrProb
2210 return
The result is a display that shows all the possible totals:
score p(score) p(<= this score) p(> this score)
1 0 0 1
2 0 0 1
3 1/7776 0.0001286008230452674 0.9998713991769547325
4 5/7776 0.0007716049382716048 0.9992283950617283951
5 5/2592 0.0027006172839506172 0.9972993827160493827
6 41/7776 0.0079732510288065843 0.9920267489711934156
7 5/432 0.0195473251028806584 0.9804526748971193415
8 85/3888 0.0414094650205761316 0.9585905349794238683
9 37/972 0.0794753086419753086 0.9205246913580246913
10 235/3888 0.1399176954732510287 0.8600823045267489712
11 665/7776 0.2254372427983539094 0.7745627572016460905
12 881/7776 0.3387345679012345678 0.6612654320987654321
13 1055/7776 0.4744084362139917695 0.5255915637860082304
14 385/2592 0.6229423868312757201 0.3770576131687242798
15 1111/7776 0.7658179012345679012 0.2341820987654320987
16 935/7776 0.886059670781893004 0.1139403292181069959
17 305/3888 0.9645061728395061728 0.0354938271604938271
18 23/648 1.0 0
19 0 1.0 0
20 0 1.0 0
21 0 1.0 0
22 0 1.0 0
23 0 1.0 0
24 0 1.0 0
25 0 1.0 0
26 0 1.0 0
27 0 1.0 0
28 0 1.0 0
29 0 1.0 0
30 0 1.0 0
So the probability of a score of exactly 15 is 1111/7776 ~= .1428755144032922. The probability of getting at least 15 is the same as the probability of getting > 14, which is shown above as being approximately 0.3770576131687242798. Adding the individual probabilities for 15 through 18 gives this as exactly 733/1944.
As all the denominators can be expanded to 6^5 = 7776, the following table can be made by a slight modification of the program, in which the last two columns have been multiplied by 7776, so as to provide the numerators for a fraction with that number in the denominator:
value p(score=value) p(score<=value) p(score > value)
-------numerators only -------
2 0 0 7776
3 1/7776 1 7775
4 5/7776 6 7770
5 5/2592 21 7755
6 41/7776 62 7714
7 5/432 152 7624
8 85/3888 322 7454
9 37/972 618 7158
10 235/3888 1088 6688
11 665/7776 1753 6023
12 881/7776 2634 5142
13 1055/7776 3689 4087
14 385/2592 4844 2932
15 1111/7776 5955 1821
16 935/7776 6890 886
17 305/3888 7500 276
18 23/648 7776 0
As the specific interest in this problem is for a score of 15, the following details the derivation of probability 1111/7776 for that score. The sets of showing numbers of pips are all those that score 15. The first probability, for example, is 5/3888 = 10/7776, as 3 5's and two 1's can occur in C(5,3) = C(5,2) = 10 ways.
number of
6's 5's 4's 3's 2's 1's probability
0 3 0 0 0 2 5/3888
0 3 0 0 1 1 5/1944
0 3 0 0 2 5/3888
0 3 0 1 0 1 5/1944
0 3 0 1 1 5/1944
0 3 0 2 5/3888
0 3 1 0 0 1 5/1944
0 3 1 0 1 5/1944
0 3 1 1 5/1944
0 3 2 5/3888
0 4 0 0 0 1 5/7776
0 4 0 0 1 5/7776
0 4 0 1 5/7776
0 4 1 5/7776
0 5 1/7776
1 1 1 0 0 2 5/648
1 1 1 0 1 1 5/324
1 1 1 0 2 5/648
1 1 1 1 0 1 5/324
1 1 1 1 1 5/324
1 1 1 2 5/648
1 1 2 0 0 1 5/648
1 1 2 0 1 5/648
1 1 2 1 5/648
1 1 3 5/1944
2 0 0 1 0 2 5/1296
2 0 0 1 1 1 5/648
2 0 0 1 2 5/1296
2 0 0 2 0 1 5/1296
2 0 0 2 1 5/1296
2 0 0 3 5/3888
which do indeed add up to 1111/7776.
Simulation verification:
DIM valCt(20)
FOR trial = 1 TO 1000000
tot = 0
FOR die = 1 TO 5
pips(die) = INT(RND(1) * 6) + 1
NEXT die
done = 1
FOR i = 1 TO 4
IF pips(i) < pips(i + 1) THEN SWAP pips(i), pips(i + 1): done = 0
LOOP UNTIL done = 1
FOR i = 1 TO 3
tot = tot + pips(i)
valCt(tot) = valCt(tot) + 1
NEXT trial
FOR i = 3 TO 18
c = c + valCt(i) / (trial - 1)
PRINT USING "## #.####### #.#######"; i; valCt(i) / (trial - 1); c
goes through a million trials and gets the following statistics:
val fraction =val fraction <= val
3 0.000142 0.000142
4 0.000625 0.000767
5 0.001896 0.002663
6 0.005248 0.007911
7 0.011541 0.019452
8 0.021726 0.041178
9 0.038271 0.079449
10 0.060519 0.139968
11 0.085300 0.225268
12 0.113187 0.338455
13 0.135842 0.474297
14 0.148759 0.623056
15 0.142818 0.765874
16 0.120569 0.886443
17 0.077907 0.964350
18 0.035650 1.000000
Posted by Charlie
on 2010-11-15 18:33:10 |