If a circle is centered on the origin and has radius r, it may pass through some points with integer coordinates. In fact, by symmetry, this will be a multiple of 4.
Find the smallest radius that will pass through 4n integer points where n=1,2,3,4,5.
Feel free to go further.
A071383 - Squared radii of the circles around (0,0) that contain record numbers of lattice points.
0, 1, 5, 25, 65, 325, 1105, 4225, 5525, 27625, 71825, 138125, 160225, 801125, 2082925, 4005625, 5928325, 29641625, 77068225, 148208125, 243061325, 1215306625, 3159797225, 6076533125, 12882250225, 53716552825, 64411251125