Three points have been chosen randomly from the vertices of a n-sided regular polygon.
Determine the probability (in terms of n) that they form (a) an acute triangle; (b) a right triangle?
(In reply to
computer findings for triangles through 50-gons by Charlie)
It looks like the probability of a right triangle is zero for odd n and 3/(n-1) for even n.
In reduced proper fractions, all the numbers given before are:
4 0 1
5 2//3 0
6 1//5 3//5
7 3//5 0
8 2//7 3//7
9 4//7 0
10 1//3 1//3
11 5//9 0
12 4//11 3//11
13 6//11 0
14 5//13 3//13
15 7//13 0
16 2//5 1//5
17 8//15 0
18 7//17 3//17
19 9//17 0
20 8//19 3//19
21 10//19 0
22 3//7 1//7
23 11//21 0
24 10//23 3//23
25 12//23 0
26 11//25 3//25
27 13//25 0
28 4//9 1//9
29 14//27 0
30 13//29 3//29
31 15//29 0
32 14//31 3//31
33 16//31 0
34 5//11 1//11
35 17//33 0
36 16//35 3//35
37 18//35 0
38 17//37 3//37
39 19//37 0
40 6//13 1//13
41 20//39 0
42 19//41 3//41
43 21//41 0
44 20//43 3//43
45 22//43 0
46 7//15 1//15
47 23//45 0
48 22//47 3//47
49 24//47 0
50 23//49 3//49
The double slashes are an artifact of UBASIC's processing.
Edited on August 14, 2011, 5:10 pm
Posted by Charlie
on 2011-08-14 17:08:52 |