See Regular Tetrahedron 1234.
Construct an equilateral triangle such that its vertices and circumcentre are (in any order) 1,2,3, and 4 units from the origin.
What is the length of a side of the triangle?
This is a description of a procedure done in a CAD program.
I have yet to check the maths behind the construction as there seems to be some issues of precision.
Around the origin O, inscribe 4 concentric circles of radius 1,2,3 and 4
Draw a radial line within the innermost circle to a point A on the circumference.
Perpendicular to it draw a radius to the outer circle (r=4).
At the midpoint of that radius (intersection with the second inner circle - "+" symbol) inscribe a circle of radius = 2.
This circle intersects the third circle in two places. Let B be the intersection further from A.
Join A and B. Using B as the centre and radius AB construct a circle. This circle intersects the outer circle in two places . Let C be the intersection closer to A. Create the line AC and BC.
The angle bisectors of the triangle intersect at D on the the circumference of the circle of radius =2.
OA=1, OB = 3, OC= 4 and OD = 2.
D is slightly to the right of the "+" symbol. You have to imagine the circles, too hard to draw!
O ___ A
+ D
B |
| C
Posted by brianjn
on 2012-03-25 00:26:14 |